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Introducing Floored, the Manhattan-based tech firm that’s revolutionizing real estate marketing with stunning 3D graphics

If you’re in real estate, how do you go about mar­ket­ing a build­ing that’s still under con­struc­tion? A build­ing no prospec­tive ten­ants or pur­chasers can look at? Well, Man­hat­tan-based tech start­up Floored has a solu­tion: launched in Jan­u­ary this year, its pro­pri­etary tech­nol­o­gy takes high-res­o­lu­tion scans of any inte­ri­or or exte­ri­or space and con­verts them into vibrant, video game stan­dard 3D images. This is the kind of prod­uct the aver­age prod­uct man­ag­er would just love to pre­side over.

Why every prod­uct man­ag­er would like to work for Floored

Floored’s co-founder, Har­vard grad­u­ate David Eisen­berg, says that most vir­tu­al tours are sim­ply 2‑D panoram­ic pho­tographs, but his company’s offer­ing is far more realistic:

“We want to give peo­ple full dig­i­tal con­trol over what it’s like to be inside the space,” he said, adding, “Our hope is that this can replace the photograph.”

Head­ing an 11-strong team of soft­ware boffins, his aim is to make Floored the indus­try stan­dard for real estate mar­ket­ing. And, prod­uct man­agers take note, this is no mere pipedream. The start­up already has a good­ly num­ber of top office and retail clients on its books, amongst them Tacon­ic Invest­ment Part­ners, Vor­na­do, CBRE Group, Cush­man and the devel­op­er Hines.

Here is Taconic’s VP of Con­struc­tion, Colleen Wenke, singing the prais­es for Floored after using its inter­ac­tive 3D tech­nol­o­gy to lease up an under-con­struc­tion 330,000-square-foot office space at 619 West 54th Street:

“[It] helps to bridge the gap of expe­ri­enc­ing the space — of putting fur­ni­ture in, under­stand­ing how many offices could go in the perime­ter, how many bod­ies can I put in. A video won’t tell you that.”

Fill­ing a void

Maybe that’s why Tacon­ic is plan­ning to inte­grate the startup’s tech­nol­o­gy on its main web­site to show­case yet-to-be-fin­ished office spaces. It’s also using Floored to lease up an under-con­struc­tion office build­ing at 7 Bryant Park (all 470,000 square feet of it) which won’t be ready until 2015. Dan Doty, an MD at Tacon­ic, said that peo­ple want to “be on the floor and walk the space to expe­ri­ence it.” When that can’t be done lit­er­al­ly, Floored’s tech­nol­o­gy “is a great way to fill that void.”

Eisen­berg has revealed that the startup’s rev­enue is already in the sin­gle dig­it mil­lions – and rising.

One thing’s for sure: the startup’s prod­uct man­ag­er must be one hap­py individual.