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How to Land a Media Sales Job in a Bad Economy

Land­ing a media sales job is one thing, but try­ing to do the same in an econ­o­my that has tak­en a turn for the worse is some­thing entire­ly dif­fer­ent. Today’s econ­o­my leaves lit­tle to be desired, although there is cer­tain­ly promise in unex­pect­ed cor­ners. The media indus­try has not suf­fered as much as many oth­ers, and media sales jobs are avail­able for those who have the skills and expe­ri­ence to offer. But what if you are a media sales job hunter with­out skills and with­out expe­ri­ence? You need to back your­self up in oth­er depart­ments to ensure you get an inter­view for the media sales job you want.

Land­ing a media sales job inter­view can be a com­plete job in itself, and deserves as much atten­tion and prepa­ra­tion as the job itself. Organ­ise your­self and assem­ble all the appro­pri­ate doc­u­men­ta­tion for your media sales job appli­ca­tion to the point where you are over-pre­pared and more than ready to accept any obsta­cle that is pre­sent­ed to you.

Be selec­tive about the media sales jobs you apply for so that you are equipped with the appro­pri­ate answers if any­one should call you back. On this note, be pre­pared to answer any ques­tions that a media sales job admin­is­tra­tor might throw at you, whether they seem per­son­al or not. The basics that you will more than like­ly have to answer are:

  • What stud­ies have you com­plet­ed that are appro­pri­ate to the media sales job you are apply­ing for? And where did you study?
  • What work expe­ri­ence do you have to back up your appli­ca­tion to the media sales job position?
  • What gener­ic skills do you pos­sess that would be a pos­i­tive attribute to the media sales job?
  • What can you offer the com­pa­ny that will ben­e­fit them if they hire you for the media sales job?

You should be able to answer these ques­tions eas­i­ly and exten­sive­ly. The last ques­tion is prob­a­bly the most dif­fi­cult point to answer, and could well mean the dif­fer­ence between land­ing an inter­view for your media sales job or not.

Upon sub­mit­ting your appli­ca­tion, ensure that your com­plet­ed resume has encom­passed all the valid infor­ma­tion that per­tains to the media sales job you are apply­ing for. All your skills and qual­i­fi­ca­tions should be clear­ly list­ed as that will be the first thing that any media sales job employ­er will look out for. 

If you do get a call back from a media sales job appli­ca­tion, you must realise that it is because the employ­ers think that you have the nec­es­sary skills to be able to fill the posi­tion. If there was any remote pos­si­bil­i­ty that they thought you weren’t capa­ble to car­ry out the media sales job in ques­tion, then you would nev­er have received the call. In this instance you are already one step clos­er to land­ing your desired media sales job, and must remem­ber to present your­self (even if it is just tele­phon­i­cal­ly) con­fi­dent­ly, pro­fes­sion­al­ly and in a self-assured man­ner so as to instill a pos­i­tive impres­sion for your future media sales job employers.