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How TipSense makes Big Data look simple

The intre­pid busi­ness devel­op­ment man­ag­er and chief tech­nol­o­gy offi­cer hun­gry for big new ideas might not have noticed one that’s prob­a­bly des­tined to go stel­lar any time soon: TipSense, a plat­form that crunch­es mas­sive, unstruc­tured data sets in an instant to yield prac­ti­cal, sim­ple, clear information.

From Big Data to what’s best

That’s a lot of adjec­tives for one sen­tence, but they’re ful­ly war­rant­ed.  TipSense is the brain­child of Cor­nell arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence whizz-kid David Schorr, who built and boot­strapped the plat­form over the last four years. For any­one who wants ready answers with­out hav­ing to wade through a for­est of reviews, TipSense has the solution.

As any tech busi­ness devel­op­ment man­ag­er can tell you, the online world is awash with incal­cu­la­bly vast quan­ti­ties of data. A data sur­feit which makes for some seri­ous headaches if you just want to know where and what to eat, or which mobile app is bet­ter than its appar­ent­ly iden­ti­cal rivals.  TipSense’s algo­rithms can do both.

In a world where every­one hails the advent of Big Data as a kind of infor­ma­tion rev­o­lu­tion, very few com­pa­nies have had the nous to show ordi­nary con­sumers why it real­ly mat­ters. Until TipSense came along, that is, with its two fab­u­lous web­sites: Dish Tip, which crunch­es lit­er­al­ly mil­lions of reviews, web images and online men­tions to yield the most buzzed about local food, and AppCrawlr, which does the same for mobile apps.

Why AppCrawlr will con­vert the most skep­ti­cal busi­ness devel­op­ment manager

AppCrawlr is Dish Tip’s younger sib­ling, and any­one who tries it, from the skep­ti­cal busi­ness devel­op­ment man­ag­er to the ordi­nary Joe, will tes­ti­fy that it does a much bet­ter job than Apple or Google’s app stores. It pro­vides an at-a-glance overview chart – the “Uber Grid” – list­ing all the strengths and weak­ness­es of rival apps side by side.

There are a few teething prob­lems to be ironed out – nei­ther Dish Tip nor AppCrawlr are com­plete­ly accu­rate all of the time. But they def­i­nite­ly show­case the rel­e­vance and sheer use­ful­ness of TipSense tech­nol­o­gy, which uses nat­ur­al lan­guage pro­cess­ing, con­tent fin­ger­print­ing, top­ic mod­el­ing and con­cep­tu­al enti­ty recog­ni­tion to sift through mega-data in the blink of an eye.

One thing Schorr can be con­fi­dent of: his plat­form is set to be a hot acqui­si­tion target.

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