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Search Needs Developers to Clean Your House

It should be of great inter­est to know about, espe­cial­ly if you’re look­ing to find a media job. Handy has hit over $1 mil­lion in book­ings per week. Take a look at the list of avail­able posi­tions on their site. They want Android, iOS, Front End and Ruby on Rails developers.

This is a grow­ing glob­al com­pa­ny, cur­rent­ly in 25 cities here in the U.S. They are a mobile clean­ing and home repair book­ing ser­vice, and it is tak­ing off. Umang Dua, the chief oper­at­ing offi­cer says “we’ve gone from about $3 mil­lion in run rate to $52 mil­lion in run rate,.. over 200,000 appli­ca­tions to the site for poten­tial clean­ers and handy­men, and has over 5,000 active pro­fes­sion­als who com­plete at least one job in a month”. All of this in a mat­ter of two years.

Want to help them grow their pres­ence, become the Handy Brand Team Man­ag­er? Since con­sumers are get­ting more acquaint­ed with the idea of book­ing things from their mobile phones and that man­dat­ed back­ground checks on both the nation­al and coun­ty lev­el are done for their ser­vice providers, Handy pro­fes­sion­als are thor­ough­ly vetted.

At present 85% of the company’s mon­ey comes from clean­ing, with the remain­ing 15% split between handy­men and plumbers. The aver­age clean­ing pro­fes­sion­al makes around $18 per hour. The com­pa­ny remarks “our clean­ers say it’s like an ATM machine in your pocket.”

Seri­ous­ly, this com­pa­ny sounds like a good place to work, who doesn’t want to be a part of some­thing that con­nects the right peo­ple and ser­vices togeth­er? The growth there at is big!