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Data Engineer New York

Chart­beat is a real-time ana­lyt­ics ser­vice designed for real-time action used by every­one from The Wall Street Jour­nal to Al Jazeera. We’re democ­ra­tiz­ing data by putting it in the hands of peo­ple who need it to make deci­sions and take action — right now. Our Meat­pack­ing Dis­trict, Man­hat­tan Office is look­ing pret­ty damn good at three years old. We’re full of incred­i­ble tal­ent, fund­ed by some of the top investors in the world (Drap­er Fish­er Jurvet­son, Index Ven­tures and Beta­works), and we’re grow­ing. Fast.

Our Team

We’re an eclec­tic team of cir­cum­nav­i­gat­ing polar explor­ers, nunchuk-wield­ing data sci­en­tists, pint-sized Kansan prod­uct queens, Dan­ish hack­ers and freak­ish­ly strong design­ers. We have opin­ions. We’re expect­ed to share them — right and wrong. And that’s how we build amaz­ing things togeth­er every sin­gle day.

We’re a start­up, and we all have a stake in the busi­ness. So we work hard, but we trust you to work the hours that it takes to give us the best of you — 9am or 9pm. We don’t track vaca­tion because you can either make a deci­sion on that with the good of the com­pa­ny in mind or you prob­a­bly aren’t right for us anyway.


Data is life.

You eat, sleep, breathe, live in it. Well, we all do, real­ly, right? Every­thing is data. But not every­one knows how to take it all and make sense of it and do some­thing with it.

We have tons and tons of data here, and we need your mad skills to come in and work with the Data Sci­en­tists to sep­a­rate the sig­nal from noise and your killer cre­ativ­i­ty to help turn pat­terns and insights into use­ful prod­ucts and features.

You have some seri­ous knowl­edge of algo­rithms and data min­ing tech­niques, but that’s not the only you need to be the best damn Chart­beat Data Engi­neer you can be. Ques­tions being asked and prob­lems we need to solve are often loose­ly defined — it’s up to you to iden­ti­fy the right plan of attack: work­ing with the Data Sci­ence team to find the data you need — and if don’t have it, fig­ur­ing out how we can get it, store it, and ana­lyze it to death.

In this start­up of ours, unlike in research, you under­stand that it’s far more impor­tant to get some­thing out the door that works pret­ty well (even if it’s not yet 100%) and iter­ate. We’re about ship­ping progress not wait­ing for perfection.

Oh, and we’re built on C, Javascript, and Python, most our our data­bas­es are built with Mon­goDB, and we make exten­sive use of var­i­ous AWS prod­ucts. But we’re always open to new sys­tems if they prove to be the most effec­tive to get the job done.

Your day-to-day

Part­ner­ing with Data Sci­ence, Prod­uct, Engi­neer­ing, and Prod­uct Out­reach to devel­op, cre­ate, and vet ideas for new prod­ucts and features

For­mu­lat­ing and devel­op­ing approach­es to knock our high-lev­el goals out of the park

Build­ing pro­to­type sys­tems to test hypothe­ses and fea­tures and turn­ing them into full-fledged pro­duc­tion systems

Help­ing design and imple­ment data­base schema and iden­ti­fy new data we need to capture

Let­ting your cre­ativ­i­ty run wild

Your know-how

Gen­er­al awesomeness

Expe­ri­ence for­mu­lat­ing, approach­ing, and solv­ing big data problems

Sol­id math­e­mat­i­cal, sta­tis­tics, and/or machine learn­ing back­ground (or any oth­er field that uses high­ly ana­lyt­i­cal tech­niques like physics and elec­tri­cal engineering)

Python a must-have

++ points for Javascript and C

++ points for AWS experience

Extra super ++ points for time-series analy­sis background

Apply by send­ing a let­ter and your resume to


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