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Timelooper media jobs

Techcrunch Interviews: Timelooper takes You Back in Time

If you’re look­ing for a vir­tu­al real­i­ty media job and you are a his­to­ry buff then Timeloop­er could be the place for you. Trav­el back 750 years of more using this new mobile app from Timeloop­er.  Timeloop­er is a loca­tion based vir­tu­al real­i­ty mobile appli­ca­tion cre­at­ed to

who will become the leader in artificial intelligence

Who Will Become the Leader In Artificial Intelligence?

Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence is quick­ly becom­ing the next big “indus­tri­al rev­o­lu­tion”, both in this coun­try and around the globe. If you are an AI devel­op­er, this could be a “gold rush” for some great job oppor­tu­ni­ties. Those who gain expe­ri­ence in Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence today will be the

Fusemachines on Media Jobs

The Techcrunch Interviews: FuseMachines Artificial Intelligence Lead Machine

The arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence lead machine has arrived!   The name of the lead mas­ter is Fusema­chines and Sameer Maskey is the Founder and CEO and his team have been devel­op­ing the soft­ware that applies Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence, Nat­ur­al Lan­guage Pro­cess­ing and Machine Learn­ing to the process of lead gen­er­a­tion for

Google IO 16 What you need to know

What You Need to Know from Google I/O 16

If you are a busi­ness type that wants to make $1 mil­lion or more at your next job, then Google I/O 16, is an event you should fol­low. Since when is a techie event crit­i­cal learn­ing for busi­ness types?  Because it updates you on how

Techcrunch Disrupt NY 2016: New Job Prospects

Techcrunch Disrupt NY 2016: New Job Prospects

Techcrunch Dis­rupt brought over 100 new star­tups to Brook­lyn NY from May 9th the 11th 2016 for three days of pre­sen­ta­tions, meet and greets and new ideas.  Media Jobs talked with a num­ber of them. Here is our first sam­pling of some of the inter­est­ing innovations

Want to work for Google or AirBNB? Move to Cuba

Want to work for Google or AirBNB? Move to Cuba

With most of the world explored and exploit­ed Cuba may yet be a new unchart­ed fron­tier for media and tech careerists. Cuba may yet be the great­est oppor­tu­ni­ty for this mil­len­ni­um so far with dig­i­tal expan­sion one of the pri­or­i­ties. Seems like every­one wants to get

ed tech company the learning company

The Ed Tech Company Worth over $1 Billion Dollars

Can any­one make mon­ey sell­ing ed tech?  One com­pa­ny thinks so and could be val­ued at over $1 bil­lion dol­lars. It all starts with the ABC’s with the mega kids app called ABC­mouse. The holy grail for jobs at app com­pa­nies or oth­er tech jobs or

5 Virtual Reality Jobs that Pay the Most

5 Virtual Reality Jobs that Pay the Most

The Vir­tu­al Real­i­ty job mar­ket is about to explode.  With the recent intro­duc­tion of the Ocu­lus Rift and Microsoft Hololens two of the largest com­pa­nies in the world have begun to stake their claims in the newest high growth mar­ket. Tech­nol­o­gy gen­er­al­ly directs how we live