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Companies & People

¿Habla Espanol? The Top Companies in Hispanic Media

There is a $1 tril­lion His­pan­ic media mar­ket to be claimed in the US in the next few years. Who’s going to walk away from the table with the largest slice of the pie? As Jeff Berovi­ci and Dorothy Pomer­antz wrote for Forbes Mag­a­zine dat­ed August


Will There Ever Be An End To Zynga’s Woes?

Oh dear… It seems Zynga’s bad day on July 25 looks set to become a bad month. After post­ing earn­ings that show a drop of three cents per share, they are now wrestling with an array of law­suits for copy­right infringe­ment and insid­er trad­ing. The

Starcom MediaVest

Starcom MediaVest – The Agency Set For Global Domination

What do you do if you’re a glob­al cor­po­ra­tion that has hun­dreds of mil­lions of dol­lars to spend on your ad strat­e­gy and you want to get the biggest bang for your buck? Well if you’re Microsoft, Yahoo, Burg­er King, Dis­ney or Coca Cola – you

Ross Levinsohn

What’s Next For Ross?

Things nev­er stay still in the hurly-burly that is dig­i­tal media, and just this week Yahoo announced that inter­im CEO Ross Levin­sohn is set to walk fol­low­ing the appoint­ment of Google’s Maris­sa May­er. This is the sec­ond time he has been passed over for the

Is Ebay a Comeback or Going Away Story?

With an esti­mat­ed 2012 sales of $8 bil­lion and 90 mil­lion down­loads of Ebay’s mobile app,  Mobile retail­ing is one of the fastest grow­ing busi­ness­es for Ebay. On the decline for years Ebay’s most promis­ing seg­ments are Pay­Pal pay­ments and mobile retail­ing.  The con­ven­tion­al wis­dom in