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E-Commerce Media News

Lookboard: the New York ecommerce platform that pulls B2B wholesale infrastructure into the 21st century

New York-based ecom­merce start­up Look­board is aim­ing to drag the fax, pen and paper B2B whole­sale infra­struc­ture into the twen­­ty-first cen­tu­ry with cut­t­ing-edge dig­i­tal tech­nol­o­gy, act­ing as an online whole­sale cat­a­log which brings e‑retailers and small, up-and-com­ing sup­pli­ers togeth­er. This lit­tle new­bie might just be

Olapic: a pioneering e‑marketer which harnesses customer-generated photos

Olapic, the e‑com­merce-focused pho­­to-shar­ing start­up based in New York, recent­ly took a major step for­ward in expand­ing aware­ness about its unique approach to e‑commerce mar­ket­ing after secur­ing a Series A round amount­ing to $5 mil­lion. But e‑commerce ana­lysts and oth­er pro­fes­sion­als work­ing in e‑commerce media

Social ecommerce startup The Fancy nets a further $53m in new funding round

Social e‑commerce start­up The Fan­cy has just raised an addi­tion­al $53 mil­lion cour­tesy of Amer­i­can Express, bil­lion­aire Len Blavat­nik and Hol­ly­wood megas­tar Will Smith, a line-up guar­an­teed to impress e‑commerce man­agers from shore to shore. A Pin­ter­est to go shop­ping in It’s big rival, Pin­ter­est, is estimated