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All posts by James Todd

Digital Media Analyst Maryland

Digital Media Analyst in Maryland

If you enjoy social media and have two years’ expe­ri­ence in social media man­age­ment and analy­sis then the Dig­i­tal Media Ana­lyst could be a great job for you. Are you look­ing for the oppor­tu­ni­ty to lead change and dri­ve per­for­mance? Are you ready to work with

Story Editor job at audiochuck

Job as Story Editor – Full or Part Time Remote or Indianapolis

If you enjoy telling sto­ries the Sto­ry Edi­tor role could be a great job for you! audiochuck is an Indi­anapo­lis-based media com­pa­ny focused on bring­ing their fans edge-of-your-seat sto­ry­telling that speaks to the lat­est gen­er­a­tion of pod­cast lis­ten­ers. This Sto­ry Edi­tor job offers can­di­dates the opportunity

International Media Relations Manager

International Media Relations Manager Job in Washington DC

Become the Media Rela­tions Man­ag­er for Des­ti­na­tion DC, the offi­cial des­ti­na­tion mar­ket­ing orga­ni­za­tion for the nation’s cap­i­tal.  Des­ti­na­tion DC is a pri­vate, non-prof­it mem­ber­ship orga­ni­za­tion com­mit­ted to mar­ket­ing the area as a pre­mier glob­al con­ven­tion, tourism and spe­cial events des­ti­na­tion with a spe­cial empha­sis on

Bilingual Editor Job for Latino Communities Reporting Lab

Bilingual Editor Job for Latino Communities Reporting Lab

Bilin­gual Edi­tor Job for the Lati­no Com­mu­ni­ties Report­ing Lab at The Record Jour­nal News­pa­per in Meri­den Con­necti­cut. The Record-Jour­­nal seeks a ver­sa­tile, bilin­gual edi­tor to over­see our grow­ing Lati­no Com­mu­ni­ties Report­ing Lab. We launched the lab in March 2021 after con­duct­ing a 5‑month lis­ten­ing tour