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Audience is making your phone smarter than you!

Audi­ence, a mak­er of voice pro­cess­ing chips for smart­phones has added a new com­po­nent to their proces­sor – motion. Audi­ence acquired Sen­sor plat­forms last year and inte­grat­ed their exist­ing voice proces­sor with motion sens­ing tech­nol­o­gy, there­by cre­at­ing the Audi­ence N100. Audi­ence is invent­ing a Nat­ur­al User Expe­ri­ence (NUE). Peter San­tos the CEO of Audi­ence says the phone has mul­ti­ple sen­sors there­by answer­ing it with your hands, or with your voice is possible.

Audi­ence is always lis­ten­ing, so if you speak out, it responds, or if it is in your hand, it also acknowl­edges that. Peter claims “the N100 will be best-in-class voice and motion sens­ing in one chip,” San­tos said. “It has pure sig­nal pro­cess­ing, but also low­er pow­er than oth­er solu­tions that con­sist of mul­ti­ple chips. We are lis­ten­ing for sound and sens­ing for motion, and we do it with low­er pow­er than mul­ti­ple solu­tions.” San­tos explains that the proces­sors can detect when there are false alarms and won’t waste ener­gy turn­ing itself com­plete­ly on, yet being always on. Audience’s VoiceQ offers a vari­ety of wake-up triggers.

The voice tech was cre­at­ed by Audi­ence last year and a few mobile phones and tablets are already being sold with the tech­nol­o­gy already embed­ded with­in it. By adding the MotionQ, which is designed for low pow­er con­sump­tion. It makes the com­bined unit a super ener­gy saver. “There are good rea­sons why we did this acqui­si­tion,” San­tos said. “It’s a nat­ur­al exten­sion of what we do, and we have a lot of head­room to grow.” Audi­ence believes the prod­uct line will be attrac­tive to not just smart­phone mak­ers, but design­ers of wear­ables and IoT devices as well.

The voice and motion sen­sors are part of a larg­er plat­form, even those made by oth­er man­u­fac­tur­ers, can plug into the plat­form and cre­ate a new com­bi­na­tion of smart sen­sors that are capa­ble of even greater con­tex­tu­al aware­ness. The appli­ca­tion can even allow for per­son­al­ized acti­va­tion codes, even record key­words to acti­vate spe­cif­ic items like your e‑mail. The soft­ware even can iso­late your voice is noisy environments.

MotionQ pro­vides devices with the abil­i­ty to under­stand the con­text of how they’re being used and in what sur­round­ings. That’s done by pro­cess­ing data col­lect­ed by an accelerom­e­ter and a gyro­scope in the N100; judg­ing with high accu­ra­cy if a user is “walk­ing, talk­ing, sleep­ing, dri­ving, etc,” What is real­ly cool is what San­tos envi­sions in the future, such as your phone deter­min­ing how loud to ring if you’re in a noisy place, or your phone shut­ting down if you put the phone in your pock­et. If your phone rings and bring it towards your head, it will auto­mat­i­cal­ly answer with­out press­ing a button.

I hear about com­pa­nies like this and I get so excit­ed, I think you should be too! Smart tools for a smarter future. You should be think­ing about being a part of that future, don’t you agree?