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Advertising Sales Professional


Dal­las Voice, Texas largest Gay, Les­bian, Bisex­u­al and Trans­gen­dered media com­pa­ny is seek­ing a sea­soned Adver­tis­ing Sales Pro­fes­sion­al to join team.  Can­di­date must be goal ori­ent­ed, self-starter who can build new busi­ness.  Can­di­date will be respon­si­ble for build­ing print and dig­i­tal cam­paigns for com­pa­nies focused on the LGBT marketplace.

Strong work eth­ic with a focus on cus­tomer ser­vice is essen­tial to suc­cess in this field.

REQUIREMENTS :  Can­di­date must have at least two years pre­vi­ous sales expe­ri­ence, prefer­ably in a media or agency envi­ron­ment, strong ver­bal and writ­ten com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills, and able to build client relationships.

Email resume and cov­er let­ter to: 

Robert Moore
Dal­las Voice
4145 Travis, Suite 300
Dal­las, TX 75204