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Why Working at Vice is better
than The New York Times

How can Vice, a 23 year old com­pa­ny, com­pete with, The New York Times a 166 year old company?

They call them­selves the “fastest grow­ing #1 Youth Media Com­pa­ny in the world” and reach over 135 mil­lion peo­ple every month glob­al­ly. Com­pare that to The New York Times 89 mil­lion unique vis­its per month and you can see who is expe­ri­enc­ing explo­sive growth.

Vice offers sto­ries you can­not get else­where and also pro­vides a dif­fer­ent perspective.

While the NY Times was found­ed in 1851. Vice’s 23 short years has seen the com­pa­ny well out­pace the NY Times in dis­tri­b­u­tion as well as val­ue.  The NY Times has been val­ued at $1.8 Bil­lion as com­pared to Vice’s $4 Billion.

Vice start­ed in 1994 as a free punk mag­a­zine named the Voice of Mon­tre­al and has trans­formed into a mul­ti­me­dia com­pa­ny with both print­ed and video storytelling.

Vice is dif­fer­ent. The com­pa­ny includes a record label, TV Net­work, mar­ket­ing agency, cloth­ing line, and film pro­duc­tion com­pa­ny, with oper­a­tions in more than 35 coun­tries. Licens­ing of orig­i­nal TV con­tent to domes­tic and inter­na­tion­al net­works has report­ed­ly helped the com­pa­ny increase its prof­it mar­gins dramatically.

In Feb­ru­ary of 2016 Vice launched a cable chan­nel in part­ner­ship with the A&E Net­work and has had a series on HBO since 2013.

Vice has won Emmy awards for their TV doc­u­men­taries, has an ongo­ing series on HBO and reg­u­lar­ly pro­duces a wide vari­ety of eye open­ing doc­u­men­taries includ­ing one on fight­ing for gen­der equal­i­ty in Chi­na, to the mak­ing of the world’s first male sex doll to why the dead­ly asbestos indus­try is still alive and well.

Vice’s suc­cess has not gone unno­ticed.  Dis­ney, Hearst and Fox all own stakes in the com­pa­ny with Dis­ney own­ing 20%.

So what kinds of jobs are at Vice?  See below for all the cur­rent Vice jobs.

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