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QVC Lifestyle On Air Program Host National Search

Do you have expe­ri­ence host­ing on tele­vi­sion, web broad­casts, radio, lifestyle pro­gram­ming, trade shows or live events?

QVC, who sells over $4 bil­lion dol­lars of prod­ucts is look­ing for some­one who is pas­sion­ate about prod­ucts and sales for a live Full Time QVC Pro­gram on Air Host role at the shop­ping network.

QVC (an acronym for “Qual­i­ty, Val­ue, and Con­ve­nience”) has evolved from a cable, satel­lite and broad­cast tele­vi­sion net­work to becom­ing a leader in ecom­merce and mobile repeat cus­tomers. QVC is owned by Lib­er­ty Interactive.

Found­ed in 1986 by Joseph Segel in West Chester, Penn­syl­va­nia, Unit­ed States, QVC broad­casts to more than 360 mil­lion house­holds in sev­en coun­tries as QVC US, QVC UK, QVC Ger­many, QVC Japan, QVC Italy, QVC/CNR (Chi­na) and QVC France. QVC shipped approx­i­mate­ly 179 mil­lion prod­ucts in 2015 across its glob­al markets.

Pro­gram hosts at QVC have built strong rela­tion­ships based on trust with cus­tomers – they enter­tain and engage their view­ers around a shared love of shop­ping. This is why approx­i­mate­ly 90% of pur­chas­es come from repeat customers.

One of the pil­lars of QVC is its unique prod­uct offer­ings. In the US, QVC presents on aver­age 773 prod­ucts every week.

QVC has launched a nation­al search cast­ing Full Time QVC Pro­gram Host to add to its already exist­ing and grow­ing on-air team.   The posi­tion is locat­ed in West Chester, PA, so all new hires should be will­ing to relo­cate to sub­ur­ban Philadel­phia for the opportunity.

Can you Impro­vise and Engage?

The QVC Pro­gram Host should be pas­sion­ate about prod­uct and sales and must be com­fort­able con­vey­ing infor­ma­tion in a live broad­cast set­ting. Can­di­dates should be quick on their feet with the abil­i­ty to improv and engage. Hosts should be friend­ly, cred­i­ble, enter­tain­ing, sin­cere and sophis­ti­cat­ed with an ele­vat­ed sense of style and fashion.

Inter­est­ed can­di­dates should email a let­ter of inter­est and recent­ly updat­ed resume along with a pho­to or head­shot and any video links of your host­ing work to Cast­ing Direc­tor, Sean De Simone at

Please make sure to prop­er­ly label all sub­mis­sions with a tele­phone num­ber, email address and the city and state where you are cur­rent­ly located.