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Fashion Media Jobs

Get to Know some Fash­ion Media Jobs

Fash­ion media jobs are those employ­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties that are relat­ed to all aspects of fash­ion both pub­lished and unpub­lished. The fash­ion indus­try is com­prised of fash­ion jour­nal­ists such as writ­ers or edi­tors, fash­ion styl­ists, crit­ics, and oth­er jobs that per­tains to fashion.

  • Fash­ion Journalists
    This pool of fash­ion media jobs con­sists any of the fol­low­ing: writer, edi­tor, blog­ger, and those who are involved in writ­ing arti­cle con­tent relat­ed to fash­ion and beau­ty. Most of the time, these indi­vid­u­als pro­vide analy­sis of the cur­rent fash­ion trends, for the pur­pose of deliv­er­ing them to the read­ers. They do this by com­mu­ni­cat­ing reg­u­lar­ly with oth­er fash­ion pro­fes­sion­als such as the fash­ion styl­ists, design­ers, buy­ers, and publicists.
  • Fash­ion Forecasters
    Indi­vid­u­als who falls under this media job cat­e­go­ry are respon­si­ble for inter­pret­ing and eval­u­at­ing the cur­rent inter­na­tion­al trends. They are usu­al­ly capa­ble of pre­dict­ing and fore­cast­ing fash­ion trends on a longer range. In gen­er­al, fash­ion fore­cast­ers act as the free and easy resources of fash­ion design­ers and oth­er mem­bers of the press par­tic­u­lar­ly those involved in the fash­ion industry.
  • Fash­ion Stylists
    Though some fash­ion styl­ists may not have the nec­es­sary for­mal edu­ca­tion; most of them have an in-depth and in-born skills when it comes to putting the right out­fit for the right occa­sion. A com­bi­na­tion of great taste, fash­ion knowl­edge and an adven­tur­ous nature when it comes to out­fit com­bi­na­tion.  These are all very strong traits that a fash­ion styl­ist should pos­sess. Known as fash­ion inno­va­tors, fash­ion styl­ists have the capa­bil­i­ty to make con­ven­tion­al pieces of gar­ments uncon­ven­tion­al when worn.