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Chameleon Wanted at Likeable Media for Community Manager Position

For those with their fin­ger on the pulse of the social media com­mu­ni­ty, the per­fect posi­tion may be wait­ing for them at Like­able Media, vot­ed one of the best com­pa­nies to work for in New York City, by Crain’s New York Busi­ness. APPLY HERE

Ranked 146 on the Inc. 500 Fastest Grow­ing Com­pa­nies list in 2013, this glob­al mar­ket­ing firm is search­ing for some­one with a chameleon-like per­son­al­i­ty to blend into their expand­ing orga­ni­za­tion. The posi­tion is for a com­mu­ni­ty man­ag­er, encom­pass­ing man­age­ment of client ini­tia­tives and a team of asso­ciate com­mu­ni­ty man­agers. For a per­son who is dri­ven, pas­sion­ate and inno­v­a­tive, this may be the oppor­tu­ni­ty they have been wait­ing for.  APPLY HERE

A Chance To Rise With A Grow­ing Company

Like­able Media is a strong com­pa­ny with over 200 clients They were fea­tured on the Inc. 500 Fastest Grow­ing Com­pa­nies list in 2013, rank­ing at 146. Their inno­v­a­tive approach such as their “Fizz It For­ward” cam­paign for SodaS­tream has con­tributed to this growth. This is a com­pa­ny that is mov­ing for­ward at a fast pace, look­ing for the right per­son to become part of their win­ning team.

Social Media Mar­ket­ing Experts

The posi­tion will require that appli­cants have at least a year of social media expe­ri­ence, prefer­ably in com­mu­ni­ty man­age­ment. Beyond that, the posi­tion is open to indi­vid­u­als that are detail ori­ent­ed with a pas­sion for mar­ket­ing brands or con­cepts. This could be a chance of a life­time to move into man­ag­ing more than just social media con­tent; it is a chance to part­ner and col­lab­o­rate with account man­agers, cre­ative teams and mul­ti­ple depart­ments as an expert in this grow­ing industry.

Like­able Media has received three con­sec­u­tive Word of Mouth Mar­ket­ing Awards, which no oth­er com­pa­ny has ever done. A posi­tion in this glob­al mar­ket­ing firm could sky­rock­et the ide­al can­di­date into anoth­er realm of respon­si­bil­i­ty and expe­ri­ence for their career. Any­one that has the min­i­mum social media expe­ri­ence that wants to show­case their abil­i­ty to prob­lem-solve and use their inter­per­son­al com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills would find this job a wel­comed chal­lenge and should apply today.