AdverÂtisÂing Sales peoÂple lookÂing for their next chalÂlenge may want to conÂsidÂer sellÂing this new cutÂting edge prodÂuct. Its a patent pendÂing marÂketÂing innoÂvaÂtion and you will have the opporÂtuÂniÂty build the business.
DifÂferÂent DrumÂmer ( is a preÂmiere marÂketÂing agency with offices in LA, NYC and Nashville. We speÂcialÂize in audiÂence mobiÂlizaÂtion and alterÂnaÂtive camÂpaign archiÂtecÂture across all platÂforms: social, media outÂreach, digÂiÂtal, print, shopÂper, expeÂriÂenÂtial, etc. In the last year we coorÂdiÂnatÂed marÂketÂing camÂpaigns for the movies 12 Years a Slave, Frozen and The Hunger Games.
Job DescripÂtion:
We’re seekÂing a transÂparÂent strateÂgic thinker with ad sales expeÂriÂence to proÂmote and sell a new patent-pendÂing marÂketÂing prodÂuct, SEATCAPS (, to local and nationÂal adverÂtisÂers. Strong preÂsenÂtaÂtion skills in perÂson and over the phone are a must. You are someÂone who thinks creÂativeÂly to put togethÂer unique camÂpaigns. You would be conÂtractÂed as an indeÂpenÂdent sales and marÂketÂing partÂner. We’ll proÂvide marÂketÂing assets and are seekÂing a self-motiÂvatÂed go-getÂter to build relaÂtionÂships, research and close deals. This is a comÂmisÂsion only posiÂtion of up to 20% with an opporÂtuÂniÂty to receive a salary once we meet speÂcifÂic finanÂcial goals.
- Build strong relaÂtionÂships with adverÂtisÂers, sponÂsors or co-marÂketÂing partÂners to ensure their sucÂcess and repeat business
- ProacÂtiveÂly develÂopÂing new business
- CreÂate marÂketÂing camÂpaigns and strateÂgiÂcalÂly sell to local and regionÂal deciÂsion makers
- Close busiÂness deals and exeÂcute the agreeÂment as agreed upon
- ProÂvide excepÂtionÂal cusÂtomer serÂvice for clients by folÂlowÂing up with anaÂlytÂics and transÂparenÂcy of mutuÂalÂly benÂeÂfitÂing conÂstrucÂtive feedback
- Achieve sales objecÂtives and goals
- ConÂtinÂuÂalÂly build your knowlÂedge of indusÂtry trends, opporÂtuÂniÂties, and innoÂvaÂtions
- A posÂiÂtive attiÂtude and a desire to conÂtinÂuÂousÂly grow your income!
- AbilÂiÂty to develÂop new busiÂness and manÂage sales with a proven track record
- ThorÂough underÂstandÂing of adverÂtisÂing and marketing
- A creÂative mind to put togethÂer unique camÂpaigns focused on solvÂing client needs
- ProbÂlem solver. AbilÂiÂty to see a probÂlem as an opporÂtuÂniÂty to develÂop business
- ProÂfiÂcienÂcy in MS Office ProÂgrams includÂing Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
InterÂestÂed canÂdiÂdates email your resume to