‘SecuÂriÂty’ is the word on everyone’s lips at the moment, folÂlowÂing Edward Snowden’s revÂeÂlaÂtions of indisÂcrimÂiÂnate snoopÂing from the US and UK govÂernÂments. The leaks have proÂvidÂed a reminder that comÂpaÂnies operÂatÂing online need to think seriÂousÂly about how secure their data is. That being the case, if you’re a social media manÂagÂer, you’re sure to be interÂestÂed in softÂware from start-up, MyPerÂmisÂsions, which offers a neat way to regain conÂtrol of your social media chanÂnels and preÂvent online embarrassments.
What’s accessÂing your accounts?
MyPerÂmisÂsions was foundÂed 18 months ago after CEO, OliviÂer Amar, had his account hacked and found he couldn’t revoke the offendÂing app’s perÂmisÂsion to post in his name. In response, he creÂatÂed the softÂware to help users conÂtrol who/what has access to their social media accounts. MyPerÂmisÂsions yesÂterÂday extendÂed its full serÂvice to TwitÂter, meanÂing users will now be informed as to exactÂly what softÂware and apps have perÂmisÂsion to access their account in real time.
In social media we trust
Trust is key when runÂning a busiÂness and comÂmuÂniÂcatÂing with cusÂtomers. For this reaÂson, the conÂseÂquences of a hackÂing inciÂdent can be espeÂcialÂly damÂagÂing. A clear examÂple of this was seen when the AssoÂciÂatÂed Press’s stock fell by 1% after fake tweets about an exploÂsion at the White House were sent from its account folÂlowÂing a hackÂing. With 250,000 TwitÂter accounts also affectÂed by a TwitÂter hackÂing inciÂdent earÂliÂer this year, the need for busiÂnessÂes to proÂtect their accounts from maliÂcious softÂware and apps is stronger than ever before.
MyPerÂmisÂsions became an online sucÂcess stoÂry after crowd fundÂing efforts saw it raise $1 milÂlion in seed fundÂing. It’s availÂable as a browsÂer add on, and also on smartÂphones. The softÂware is designed to preÂvent embarÂrassÂing inciÂdents from occurÂring, by proÂvidÂing social media users with a simÂple way to see and manÂage which appliÂcaÂtions have access to their accounts. It also aims to proÂvide peace of mind for anyÂone who is repÂreÂsentÂing their company’s image and brand through social media chanÂnels, by allowÂing them to revoke perÂmisÂsions from shady apps. Of course, the softÂware does not comÂpleteÂly proÂtect accounts from hackÂings, but it does repÂreÂsent a step towards a more secure social media operation.