It’s an open secret that talÂentÂed colÂlege stuÂdents conÂtemÂplatÂing media jobs when they gradÂuÂate will be wooed by the big beasts in the tech junÂgle long before the ink is dry on their degree cerÂtifiÂcates. But what of smallÂer firms who haven’t got the big bucks and camÂpus mindÂshare of the FaceÂbooks and Googles of this world? Thanks to two UniÂverÂsiÂty of MichiÂgan alums, Azarias RedÂer and LanÂder GarÂcia, smallÂer comÂpaÂnies now have the means to start engagÂing colÂlege talÂent earÂly, paving the way to future recruitÂment: meet Meritful.
Big comÂpaÂny stuÂdent engageÂment for the litÂtle guy
To go back to those big beasts for a moment: they invest a lot of time and resources into career fairs and inforÂmaÂtion sesÂsions on camÂpusÂes, durÂing which they meet large numÂbers of future prodÂuct manÂagers, chief techÂnolÂoÂgy offiÂcers, and so on. But because earnÂing the qualÂiÂfiÂcaÂtions will take a few years, big comÂpaÂnies keep the talÂent they’re interÂestÂed in in the pipeline for extendÂed periÂods, mainÂtainÂing an interÂest in their progress and, essenÂtialÂly, wooÂing them into workÂing for them later.
MerÂitÂful, ingeÂniousÂly, is buildÂing a stuÂdent-cenÂtric CRM platÂform that does all this for the litÂtle guy – smallÂer recruiters, too, will be able to engage promisÂing talÂent earÂly in their careers, folÂlow them through their coursÂes and offer them jobs upon graduation.
Two-way exchanges through to graduation
Here’s how it works: upon signÂing up at MerÂitÂful, a company’s recruitÂing team will be asked to select some of its employÂees (engiÂneers, prodÂuct manÂagers, busiÂness develÂopÂment assoÂciates, proÂgramÂmers, etc.) to act as camÂpus ambasÂsadors for the firm. Once these comÂpaÂny ambasÂsadors showÂcase their firms at career fairs or meet promisÂing stuÂdents through their stuÂdent career pages, they invite the prodÂuct manÂagers and chief techÂnolÂoÂgy offiÂcers of tomorÂrow to conÂnect with them on Meritful.
And that’s where the fun begins. Not only can the comÂpaÂnies keep an interÂestÂed eye on what projects their favored stuÂdents are workÂing on and what sucÂcessÂes they’re notchÂing up (stuÂdents can showÂcase all of this via MerÂitÂful), they can step up the engageÂment process by setÂting chalÂlenges for them to solve in areas like design, proÂgramÂming, busiÂness or research, too. The stuÂdents interÂact with he ambasÂsadors as they work on these chalÂlenges, who thereÂby build up a clear picÂture over time of the brightÂest talent.