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10 Proven Tactics for Landing a Media Sales Job

Land­ing your dream media sales job might rear a few obsta­cles in your path, but let that not sway your deci­sion to fol­low along this avenue. The media indus­try is man­ag­ing to sur­vive the eco­nom­ic down­fall, mak­ing media sales jobs a proming posi­tion to be in. Know­ing what is required of a media sales job and what tac­tics could improve your chances of get­ting one, are the keys to your success.

  1. First­ly decide what kind of media sales job you would like to apply for. There are quite a few vari­a­tions in media sales jobs, and it would be bet­ter to approach a more spe­cif­ic domain rather than ran­dom­ly approach from dif­fer­ent angles. Hav­ing a plan in mind is the best foun­da­tion you can pro­vide for your­self and an excel­lent start­ing strat­e­gy towards land­ing your ide­al media sales job. 

  2. Deter­mine what your strongest sell­ing point is that will improve the sta­tus of your employ­er’s busi­ness, as well as land you the media sales job you are look­ing for. Is it your lev­el of skill? Per­haps your expe­ri­ence? Try and nar­row down what your main point of focus will be when “sell­ing your­self” to your new media sales job employer.

  3. Update your resume and ensure that it is a fac­tu­al, infor­ma­tive, pos­i­tive resp­re­sen­ta­tion of you and your capa­bil­i­ties. Make sure that your media sales job employ­er will get an exten­sive overview of you and your work eth­ic through this documentation.

  4. In say­ing that, make sure that your resume also reflects any client or pre­vi­ous employ­er tes­ti­mo­ni­als that might boost or enhance your chances of land­ing the media sales job you are look­ing to get. Any ben­e­fi­cial infor­ma­tion that could improve the over­all image of you as a sales rep­re­sen­ta­tive will also improve your chances of get­ting a media sales job.

  5. Stay in touch with the admin­is­tra­tors that are han­dling the media sales job open­ings and make sure you keep your­self up to speed with any progress or fur­ther meet­ings and interviews.

  6. Always admit that you are will­ing to improve and enhance your media sales job skills. Say­ing that you are the best at what you do might seem like a good idea and might seem like it will land you your media sales job, but it also makes you appear as though you are over sell­ing your­self. By inform­ing your poten­tial media sales job employ­ers that you wish to learn from them will give them the idea that you are open to chang­ing your strate­gies and being trained up to fit in with their profiles.

  7. In say­ing that, don’t appear as though you are leav­ing it all up to them. Any media sales job employ­er is going to want an employ­ee that takes ini­tia­tive and is con­fi­dent in their skills and abilities.

  8. If you can come across as a media sales job employ­ee that will add val­ue to a com­pa­ny and help it grow through the addi­tion of your own skills, then your foot will most prob­a­bly already be in the door. Do some research into the indus­try and fig­ure out how you can add extra worth and val­ue to the media sales job.

  9. Pay atten­tion. Remem­ber your future media sales job employ­ers by their names. And show a gen­uine inter­est in the com­pa­ny and it’s offerings.

  10. Be polite and smile. Peo­ple remem­ber the feel­ings that you evoke in them.