The VirÂtuÂal RealÂiÂty job marÂket is about to explode. With the recent introÂducÂtion of the OcuÂlus Rift and Microsoft Hololens two of the largest comÂpaÂnies in the world have begun to stake their claims in the newest high growth market.
TechÂnolÂoÂgy genÂerÂalÂly directs how we live our lives in modÂern times. Microwave ovens changed how we eat, cable teleÂviÂsion changed how we spend much of our free time and conÂsume news, and smartÂphones have changed how we comÂmuÂniÂcate and, frankly, how we do almost everyÂthing. This trend will conÂtinÂue to accelÂerÂate as we become more and more techÂnoÂlogÂiÂcalÂly advanced in the world, and the fronÂtier which is set to proÂvide the next huge evoÂluÂtion in civÂiÂlizaÂtion is undoubtÂedÂly virÂtuÂal realÂiÂty.
VirÂtuÂal realÂiÂty can be simÂply defined as ‘near realÂiÂty’ or ‘almost realÂiÂty’, an emuÂlaÂtion of realÂiÂty based in techÂnoÂlogÂiÂcal conÂstructs. We think of realÂiÂty as being made up of what our sensÂes can detect, but in truth there are more than just the five sensÂes we norÂmalÂly think of. For instance, we have a sense of balÂance. This ‘sense’ can’t be squareÂly placed under the headÂing of sight, touch, sound, smell, or taste.
This someÂwhat vague idea of our sensÂes can be applied to virÂtuÂal realÂiÂty as well. We may not be able to smell or taste someÂthing in a virÂtuÂal realÂiÂty expeÂriÂence, but we can trick our brains into thinkÂing that we do. This is realÂly the ultiÂmate goal of virÂtuÂal realÂiÂty, to develÂop techÂnolÂoÂgy which can immerse us in an expeÂriÂence that we perÂceive as real even though that expeÂriÂence wouldÂn’t fall under the the traÂdiÂtionÂal defÂiÂnÂiÂtion of reality.
Virtual Reality Gaming
GamÂing is at the foreÂfront of the virÂtuÂal realÂiÂty moveÂment. First we had board games, then two-dimenÂsionÂal video games, and today we have 3D games that make us feel like we’re part of the action. The next step, already in progress, is true 3D games that put us into the game. Turn your head, you see what’s around you (in the game). Reach out with your arm (your real arm) and you can pick up what’s in front of you (in the game).
The endgame of virÂtuÂal realÂiÂty techÂnolÂoÂgy is most easÂiÂly visuÂalÂized in the Holodeck from the Star Trek TV series. The entire space around you is transÂformed into a virÂtuÂal enviÂronÂment, comÂplete with artiÂfiÂcial intelÂliÂgence that interÂacts with you on the fly, just like the real world.
This is where we’re going, and the advances to get there are in progress. That makes careers involved in virÂtuÂal realÂiÂty a hot comÂmodÂiÂty. If you’re lookÂing for a career with a future, then look to where the future is going. Jobs in the virÂtuÂal realÂiÂty field natÂuÂralÂly pay well because of this.
Below are five of the best payÂing virÂtuÂal realÂiÂty jobs. Because the field is relÂaÂtiveÂly new and growÂing quickÂly, the salary ranges can vary quite a bit based on the comÂpaÂny, the locaÂtion, and othÂer facÂtors. GenÂerÂalÂly speakÂing, howÂevÂer, a posiÂtion with an estabÂlished (or well-fundÂed) comÂpaÂny for any of these will start in the $75–80K range and extend up to around the $200K range. If you’ve got the chops, expect to be in or near six figures.
1. Programmer/Developer — The difÂferÂence in these is realÂly one of degree. A proÂgramÂmer is comÂpeÂtent in writÂing code, but mostÂly just comÂpletes tasks. A develÂopÂer has codÂing abilÂiÂties but also the skills to work out the route to take to get from A to B in designÂing software.
2. SoftÂware EngiÂneer — SoftÂware engiÂneers are essenÂtialÂly develÂopÂers who can see the bigÂger picÂture and have a broadÂer skill set. They plan the jourÂney, foreÂsee the bumps in the road, comÂmuÂniÂcate with othÂer involved parÂties, and navÂiÂgate the route from beginÂning to end.
3. Machine LearnÂing SpeÂcialÂist — Machine learnÂing is the sciÂence and art of writÂing algoÂrithms that allow softÂware to learn. BasiÂcalÂly, it’s the buildÂing blocks of artiÂfiÂcial intelligence.
4. Data Engineer/Data ArchiÂtect — SoftÂware works by accessÂing and delivÂerÂing tons of stored and sortÂed data. The data engiÂneer gathÂers and sorts all of the data to creÂate the dataÂbasÂes for the softÂware to access.
5. Data Scientist/Data AnaÂlyst — These are big thinkers and sharp anaÂlysts that can take the data that’s been gathÂered and draw insights from it. They ask the right quesÂtions, find the answers to those quesÂtions, and then comÂmuÂniÂcate those answers to the organization.
image courÂtesy of BilÂletÂto EdiÂtoÂrÂiÂal on Unsplash