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10 Best Media Job Employment Agencies

Find­ing a media job that suits you can be made a lot eas­i­er by mak­ing use of the ser­vices of a media job employ­ment agency. Their spe­cial­i­ty is obvi­ous­ly geared towards find­ing lucra­tive posi­tions for would be media job tak­ers, and then offer­ing them to the world of media job seek­ers. These agen­cies can often get spe­cial pref­er­ence from adver­tis­ing or media busi­ness­es to host their media job adver­tise­ments exclusively.

10 of the best media job employ­ment agen­cies for you to use are list­ed below:

  1. Jour­nal­ism – – Their web­site offers an inter­ac­tive expe­ri­ence where you can find media jobs, search for links to oth­er media web­sites, inves­ti­gate more into media job salaries as well as read media relat­ed articles.
  2. Media Bistro – – This employ­ment agency offers a wide selec­tion of media jobs right across the indus­try spec­trum, as well as addi­tion­al advice regard­ing media job employ­ers, how to apply for media jobs and how to use your skills to the best of your abil­i­ty. They also have a facil­i­ty that assists you in con­struct­ing your resume.
  3. I Want Media – – This media com­pa­ny is anoth­er that has an inter­ac­tive media job web­site that offers com­pre­hen­sive infor­ma­tion on the indus­try, the media jobs avail­able as well as inter­est­ing and infor­ma­tive blogs.
  4. Mass Media Jobs – – A media agency that offers an online media job search ser­vice where users can post their resumes and employ­ers can post their avail­able media jobs. This allows employ­ers to search through media job appli­cants to find the right per­son for the job before they even apply.
  5. The Nation­al Diver­si­ty News­pa­per Job Bank – – This media job employ­ment agency gears them­selves towards pro­vid­ing main­ly for minori­ties and women. They have a com­pre­hen­sive selec­tion of media jobs avail­able, cov­er­ing almost all aspects of the media industry.
  6. The Writ­ing Jobs – – Full list­ings of media jobs are avail­able on their ful­ly infor­ma­tive web­site. From free­lance writ­ing to tech­ni­cal writ­ing to edit­ing or proof read­ing media jobs, if it involves writ­ing or jour­nal­ism, then this agency will cov­er it.
  7. Myspace Jobs –– Myspace Jobs cov­er a lot of ground for all indus­tries, but they also have an exten­sive range of media jobs avail­able through their web­site. The media jobs avail­able through this employ­ment agency span from one end of the media indus­try to the oth­er and are updat­ed regularly.
  8. TV and Radio – – this media job employ­ment agency details jobs that are through the medi­ums of tele­vi­sion and radio media jobs. 
  9. News – – This medis job employ­ment agency offers a diverse range in media jobs as well as infor­ma­tion on oth­er employ­ment agen­cies that are recommended.
  10. Media Job Mar­ket – – This pop­u­lar media job employ­ment agency and infor­ma­tion por­tal has a resume post­ing facil­i­ty where employ­ers can search through appli­cants before they even apply for the media jobs. 

image cour­tesy of Aaron Edwards

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