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Why You Want to Get a Job at Vogue Magazine:

Get­ting a Job at Vogue Mag­a­zine, owned by the Conde Nast Pub­lish­ing Com­pa­ny,  is like get­ting a dai­ly “brush with Fame”.  Anna Win­tour, Vogue’s Edi­tor and Chief, is known as the most influ­en­tial woman in fashion.

Work­ing at the mag­a­zine is so pres­ti­gious Mer­rill Streep played Anna Win­tour in a movie about work­ing at the mag­a­zine, The Dev­il Does Pra­da, also star­ring Anne Hath­away as the “fash­ion­less” per­son­al assistant.

But in real life a job at Vogue can change your life.  Ask Paris Mitchell about that.  She land­ed the job a mil­lion women would kill for when she was hired as the assis­tant to US Vogue design direc­tor, Raul Mar­tinez. Now out on her own, today she is con­stant­ly in-demand as a styl­ist and also co-found­ed online store The Mer­can­tile and cloth­ing line Paris Geor­gia Basics with pal Geor­gia Cherrie.

The cul­ture of the fash­ion mag­a­zine can be summed up in the qual­i­ties that Anna Win­tour looks for in an employ­ee: Cul­ture, Con­fi­dence, Point of View, Per­son­al Style, High Ener­gy, Ambi­tion, Open­ness to Col­or (mean­ing wear­ing col­or) and final­ly Pre­sentabil­i­ty.

Vogue Mag­a­zine has a cir­cu­la­tion of 220,000 was found­ed 125 years ago and has been track­ing and lead­ing fash­ion since day one.  Their web­site gets over 2 mil­lion vis­i­tors per month.

What is it like to Work at Vogue?

Of all the review­ers 85% would rec­om­mend work­ing there to a friend and 100% approve of the CEO

Here are some of the com­ments post­ed by for­mer employ­ees on Glassdoor:

The pros…

“Good expe­ri­ence and expo­sure to the fash­ion world” 

“love work­ing there. very friend­ly environment”

“Amaz­ing expo­sure to fash­ion indus­try, Great connections”

“Amaz­ing staff, loved the inter­ac­tion, high end design­ers interaction”

“The best rea­son to work for Amer­i­can Vogue is for the peo­ple. Every­one is inspir­ing and every­thing is new, I could­n’t have asked for a bet­ter experience.”

The cons…

“There where no cons, how­ev­er if you don’t like long hours I don’t think this would be the right job for you.”

“Extreme­ly com­pet­i­tive, low paying.”

“Fast paced envi­ron­ment, High­ly com­pet­i­tive, hard to grow”

“The peo­ple who work in mid­dle man­age­ment are by far the weak­est links in the chain.”

So take a look at jobs avail­able now at Vogue Mag­a­zine and Conde Nast:


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