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Why You Want a Job at Twitter

Twit­ter was vot­ed the 26th best place to work in 2016 on Glass­door, believe it or not right after Apple (#25).

Found­ed in 2006 by Jack Dorsey, the cur­rent CEO,  Noah Glass, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams Twit­ter was designed for all the Atten­tion Deficit types who want their infor­ma­tion short and to the point.

Twit­ter has 328 mil­lion month­ly active users world­wide as of 2017, the equiv­a­lent of the entire pop­u­la­tion of the US uses Twit­ter every month.  This is over twice the users of Snapchat’s 150 mil­lion and a frac­tion of Facebook’s over 2 bil­lion month­ly active users.

Now you may have heard that Twit­ter has lost its way and growth has slowed or even declined.  How­ev­er this 500 to 1000 employ­ee com­pa­ny should not be over­looked in your search for a great com­pa­ny to take a job with.  While adver­tis­ing rev­enue has declined 8% in 2Q 2017 to $489 mil­lion it’s still a $2 bil­lion dol­lar company.

In an inter­view Jack Dorsey spoke of where Twit­ter is head­ed.  Dorsey says Twitter’s role in the world is still focused on bring­ing peo­ple togeth­er.  This includes Twitter’s empha­sis of late on live events.  Dorsey empha­sizes that Twit­ter is the place where infor­ma­tion can be found the fastest.

10 years since Twitter’s found­ing and he still believes in the crowd and its abil­i­ty to bring forth a range of opin­ions even if that includes Don­ald Trump’s inac­cu­ra­cies but also he does not dis­count the impor­tance of mak­ing Twit­ter a safer place to speak with­out fear of being attacked or harassed.

And speak­ing of Don­ald Trump, this has thrust Twit­ter into a new light.  A go to place for our lead­ers and celebri­ties to talk direct­ly to their con­stituen­cies with no fil­ter­ing.   Some­thing that may have sig­nif­i­cant impli­ca­tions for Twitter’s future.

What do Twitter’s Employ­ees Say about Work­ing There?

76% of the employ­ees approve of the CEO, Jack Dorsey and 75% would rec­om­mend work­ing there to a friend.

A com­ment heard in almost 10% of all the Glass­door reviews is “Twit­ter is an amaz­ing place to work with super smart peo­ple who are action oriented”

How­ev­er it’s not all peach­es and cream as some say:

“Work/Life Bal­ance is the big draw­back for this com­pa­ny, if you work at Twit­ter they expect you to com­mit your life to it” 

“A lot of turnover in the rev­enue team’s upper man­age­ment ranks”

Some oth­er pros of work­ing at Twitter:

“Every lev­el can make an impact here. After 11 years, still feels like a start up, but with devel­op­ing process/structure/policies.”

“Good team­work Always had your opin­ions heard Good food and fun activities”

And some of the neg­a­tives heard on Glassdoor:

“Poor man­age­ment and lim­it­ed career growth.”

“Com­pet­i­tive, cut throat, intense, fast paced, challenging”

“A goal should be in place in regards to reten­tion. Twit­ter is a great com­pa­ny to work for, but it appears a lot of indi­vid­u­als have found bet­ter elsewhere”.

So take a look at the over 150 jobs now avail­able at Twit­ter and see if one inter­ests you:

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