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Über-Networker With Hot Leads Needed For Travelzoo’s Business Development Manager Position

It takes a unique type of per­son to hunt out the best places to dine, dance and relax in a city the size of New York. That is why Trav­el­zoo Local is hunt­ing for a Busi­ness Devel­op­ment Man­ag­er that is the quin­tes­sen­tial Über-Net­work­er for the NYC scene, know­ing what is hot and what is not in the Big Apple.  The best can­di­date for this face-paced posi­tion will enjoy the chal­lenge of find­ing the best ser­vices at the best prices for the Trav­el­zoo audi­ence. APP LY HERE



13 Mil­lion Amer­i­cans Look­ing For Incred­i­ble Deals On Travelzoo

Trav­el­zoo is the ulti­mate site to find the best deals in enter­tain­ment, din­ing and trav­el all across the world, with 27 mil­lion sub­scribers world­wide and 13 mil­lion in the U.S. To fuel their growth in region­al mar­kets, they have har­nessed the pow­er of their high-income sub­scribers to cre­ate Trav­el­zoo Local. This grow­ing facet is geared toward find­ing the hottest new busi­ness­es in local areas and con­nect­ing them with their vast audi­ence with supe­ri­or offers. APPLY HERE

The key to Trav­el­zoo’s suc­cess lies with­in their team of deal experts that search out high-qual­i­ty busi­ness­es that are look­ing to expand their cus­tomer base. Their sales sleuths can sniff out the hottest restau­rants, spas and enter­tain­ment venues, then use their net­work­ing and sales capa­bil­i­ties to sign up the best busi­ness­es for Trav­el­zoo sub­scribers. It is just this type of Über-Net­work­er that they are try­ing to find for their Busi­ness Devel­op­ment Man­ag­er posi­tion in NYC.

Inde­pen­dent, Entre­pre­neur­ial Col­lege Grad­u­ates Should Apply

For those seek­ing a high-paced, excit­ing posi­tion in direct sales, Trav­el­zoo Local in NYC may be just the tick­et. This posi­tion offers excel­lent salary, com­mis­sions and ben­e­fits for indi­vid­u­als look­ing to team with a high-ener­gy, grow­ing com­pa­ny. Self-starters that love to net­work, with a high sense of what busi­ness­es are hot in the local NYC scene, can excel in this posi­tion. Can­di­dates will need at least five years in direct sales with a Bach­e­lor’s degree to be con­sid­ered for this fun, net­work­ing sales position.

Trav­el­zoo is an extra­or­di­nary com­pa­ny with a bright future ahead, a per­fect employ­er for those look­ing for a chal­leng­ing net­work­ing posi­tion with growth poten­tial. Movers and shak­ers that know what is hot in NYC should take the time to check out the Busi­ness Devel­op­ment Man­ag­er posi­tion in this excit­ing, grow­ing company.


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