TravÂelCLICK is now hirÂing for a DirecÂtor, PartÂner RelaÂtions for StrateÂgic ProdÂuct LeadÂerÂship Roles. They are a GrowÂing New York Based eComÂmerce Company!
In this role, you will work closeÂly with exterÂnal partÂners to design proÂgrams, estabÂlish approÂpriÂate finanÂcial terms, and comÂmuÂniÂcate and marÂket partÂner proÂgrams to TravelClick’s 100+ sales orgaÂniÂzaÂtion and 5,000+ reserÂvaÂtion cusÂtomer portÂfoÂlio. This will include underÂstandÂing the greatÂest marÂket opporÂtuÂniÂties, develÂopÂing valÂue propoÂsiÂtions, and engagÂing potenÂtial partÂners in the travÂel space. You will gain expoÂsure to mulÂtiÂple busiÂness areas workÂing closeÂly with senior leadÂerÂship in a globÂal enviÂronÂment. They have a proven track record of develÂopÂing talÂent by growÂing prodÂuct leadÂerÂship expeÂriÂence. Are you lookÂing for an opporÂtuÂniÂty to develÂop your career, where your conÂtriÂbuÂtions have a high degree of busiÂness impact?
So who is the ideÂal DirecÂtor for PartÂner Relations?
They are lookÂing for a blend of partÂner manÂageÂment, marÂketÂing, and sales enableÂment experÂtise. SomeÂone driÂven to creÂate valÂue, and expeÂriÂence in an indusÂtry that demands speed and flexÂiÂbilÂiÂty. You will manÂage and optiÂmize globÂal partÂnerÂships that driÂve TravÂelClick cusÂtomer revÂenue and bookÂings. This manÂagÂer is also responÂsiÂble for the ongoÂing optiÂmizaÂtion of existÂing partÂnerÂships includÂing the develÂopÂment of new busiÂness requireÂments and enhanceÂments to proÂgrams to driÂve revÂenue and EBITDA. ActiveÂly engage sales, account manÂageÂment, and cusÂtomers to effecÂtiveÂly comÂmuÂniÂcate proÂgram valÂue to supÂport revÂenue and EBITDA tarÂgets through proÂgram participation.
Define ongoÂing enhanceÂments to busiÂness requireÂments includÂing enhanceÂments to partÂner data feeds. DriÂve revÂenue and EBITDA growth by deterÂminÂing optiÂmizaÂtion opporÂtuÂniÂties that driÂve cusÂtomer bookÂings and hotel conÂverÂsions. DevelÂop new partÂnerÂships to increase hotel revÂenue and guest bookÂings for TravÂelClick cusÂtomers. ManÂage day-to-day perÂforÂmance reportÂing, regÂuÂlar partÂner updates, and strateÂgic partÂner reviews.
HosÂpiÂtalÂiÂty ExpeÂriÂence, notably workÂing with OTAs or Metasearch sites is greatÂly preÂferred. A track record of proÂmoÂtions and sucÂcess withÂin highÂly comÂpetÂiÂtive comÂpaÂnies and eduÂcaÂtionÂal enviÂronÂments is a must. Five plus years of increasÂing responÂsiÂbilÂiÂty in busiÂness-to-busiÂness partÂnerÂship and/or marÂketÂing roles withÂin well-regardÂed orgaÂniÂzaÂtions. HavÂing worked in an orgaÂniÂzaÂtion of conÂsidÂerÂable size and scope will help.
Here’s what TravÂelCLICK has to say about themselves:
TravÂelCLICK offers world-class reserÂvaÂtions soluÂtions, busiÂness intelÂliÂgence prodÂucts and comÂpreÂhenÂsive media and interÂnet marÂketÂing soluÂtions to 30K+ hotel clients in over 140 counÂtries globÂalÂly, operÂatÂing out of offices in New York, Barcelona, MelÂbourne, SinÂgaÂpore, ChicaÂgo, Atlanta, HousÂton and OrlanÂdo. We help our clients genÂerÂate revÂenue and build their brands by proÂvidÂing the tools to make betÂter busiÂness deciÂsions, genÂerÂate demand from the right mix of disÂtriÂbÂuÂtion chanÂnels and conÂvert more shopÂpers into high-valÂue guests.