Tony FilÂson is PresÂiÂdent & CEO at FilÂcro Media Staffing, a recruitÂment comÂpaÂny estabÂlished in 1985 which deals with the highÂly speÂcialÂized staffing conÂcerns of comÂpaÂnies withÂin the pubÂlic and priÂvate media broadÂcastÂing indusÂtries. RecruitÂing from manÂagÂer to C levÂel posiÂtions, the comÂpaÂny has worked with a long list of clients, includÂing FedEx, InnoÂvÂaÂtive ComÂmuÂniÂcaÂtions CorÂpoÂraÂtion, DisÂcovÂery ComÂmuÂniÂcaÂtions, StuÂdio 360, The Walt DisÂney ComÂpaÂny, Sony Music, UniÂviÂsion, HBO, ViaÂcom, ABC, ComÂcast, ChaCha, Bet NetÂworks, The Home ShopÂping NetÂwork, WNYC, AT&T, PruÂdenÂtial, MetLife, ComÂeÂdy CenÂtral and Time Warner.
Long term alliances with FilÂcro Media Staffing include the employÂment liaÂbilÂiÂty comÂpaÂny MerÂcer ConÂsultÂing, the clasÂsiÂfied, disÂplay and digÂiÂtal adverÂtisÂing comÂpaÂny P&H adverÂtisÂing and the govÂernÂment sysÂtems and inforÂmaÂtion resources firm White Knight Inc.
FilÂcro Media Staffing helps to idenÂtiÂfy and recruit media execÂuÂtives withÂin a diverse range of nationÂal and interÂnaÂtionÂal marÂkets in the techÂniÂcal, busiÂness and creÂative secÂtors, with the firm funcÂtionÂing across the US, Europe, South AmerÂiÂca, The MidÂdle East, Africa and Asia. The firm’s recruitÂment operÂaÂtions span TV, cable and satelÂlite netÂworks, adverÂtisÂing agenÂcies, broadÂband providers, OEM’s, govÂernÂment bodÂies, pubÂlic broadÂcastÂers, digÂiÂtal conÂtent providers, telecomÂmuÂniÂcaÂtions comÂpaÂnies, pubÂlishÂers and film studios.
When posiÂtions arise in comÂpaÂnies withÂin these marÂkets, Tony FilÂson is freÂquentÂly idenÂtiÂfied and placed as OffiÂcer in Charge to conÂduct a search for the ideÂal managerial/executive canÂdiÂdate. With increasÂing chalÂlenges facÂing diverÂsiÂfyÂing media comÂpaÂnies, Filson’s expeÂriÂence and extenÂsive portÂfoÂlio of media clients helps such comÂpaÂnies find canÂdiÂdates with the skills, perÂsonÂalÂiÂty and overÂall vision to help mainÂtain viaÂbilÂiÂty in the 21st century.
FilÂson is also the chairÂman at FilÂcro Media Staffing’s parÂent comÂpaÂny FilÂcro PerÂsonÂnel. He is a board memÂber at P&H adverÂtisÂing, which deals print and interÂacÂtive clasÂsiÂfied adverÂtisÂing in the US, the EU and South AmerÂiÂca. He also works with the US GovÂernÂment and NGO’s to increase the qualÂiÂty of comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtion and push for politÂiÂcal, social and ecoÂnomÂic reforms. His comÂmendÂable stance on diverÂsiÂty and equalÂiÂty is shown through his actions not only outÂside FilÂcro, but inside FilÂcro. Out of the six manÂageÂrÂiÂal posiÂtions withÂin FilÂcro, four are held by women, andÂhe also ensures that opporÂtuÂniÂties for interÂnal proÂgresÂsion are availÂable, with the proÂmoÂtion of two FilÂcro memÂbers of staff made in 2011.
This shows that Filson’s firm knows the imporÂtance of diverÂsiÂty, not just in terms of his employed workÂforce, but in the range of availÂable media execÂuÂtives covÂered with every execÂuÂtive search. Just as imporÂtant as diverÂsiÂty to FilÂson is incluÂsion, and Filcro’s recruitÂment modalÂiÂty makes sure that every execÂuÂtive search case includes every qualÂiÂfied potenÂtial canÂdiÂdate availÂable for the position.
FilÂson also comÂmits much of his company’s resources towards pro bono requests and assisÂtance in execÂuÂtive search for non-profÂit media orgaÂniÂzaÂtions and NGO’s that help to serve the disÂadÂvanÂtaged. While they are always busy with payÂing clients, their comÂmitÂment to pro bono requests is indicaÂtive of Filson’s vision for betÂter recruitÂment practice.
PriÂor to workÂing at FilÂcro, FilÂson was the ManÂagÂing DirecÂtor of Sales at Group W. He was eduÂcatÂed at the New York MilÂiÂtary Academy.