WithÂout doubt, LinkedIn is the most popÂuÂlar social netÂworkÂing tool for busiÂnessÂpeoÂple, but is your proÂfile workÂing as hard as it could be?
We all know that getÂting a great proÂfile in place is cruÂcial, but there are a range of tools you can use to realÂly enhance your presence.
MakÂing Your ProÂfile Work for You
By claimÂing your vanÂiÂty URL you can instantÂly add a more proÂfesÂsionÂal feel to your LinkedIn proÂfile. This can also be optiÂmized to driÂve more trafÂfic to your proÂfile. You can also add a proÂfile badge to your perÂsonÂal webÂsites and blogs so visÂiÂtors can click straight through to your LinkedIn proÂfile and it’s well worth makÂing your anchor text more appealÂing so you get more clicks through to your websites.
Ensure your proÂfile is sprinÂkled libÂerÂalÂly with keyÂwords. By makÂing the copy in your proÂfile keyÂword rich, you can make sure you come up in the search results whenÂevÂer someone’s lookÂing for a new employÂee or an expert. You can also creÂate a comÂpaÂny proÂfile too, if it’s approÂpriÂate. By creÂatÂing a busiÂness proÂfile you have the opporÂtuÂniÂty to creÂate not one, but two netÂworks and you can cross-polÂlenate – gathÂerÂing opporÂtuÂniÂties from both netÂworks and realÂly leverÂage your perÂsonÂal brand.
RecÂomÂmenÂdaÂtions and endorseÂments are all part of the LinkedIn packÂage and gathÂerÂing these is also cruÂcial to your sucÂcess. HowÂevÂer, it’s the qualÂiÂty of these that will attract peoÂple to you, not the quanÂtiÂty. By givÂing and obtainÂing endorseÂments you can rank and be ranked on your skill set, and those that have endorsed you will be clearÂly visÂiÂble to anyÂone viewÂing your profile.
For the More Advanced User
For those who preÂfer someÂthing a litÂtle more advanced LinkedIn also gives you the option to use a host of apps to make your proÂfile realÂly stand out. If you’re a pubÂlic speakÂer or delivÂer lots of preÂsenÂtaÂtions, the SlideShare App can help you showÂcase your latÂest reports and speechÂes from your LinkedIn proÂfile. Since its 2006 incepÂtion, the conÂtent-sharÂing tool has seen more than nine milÂlion preÂsenÂtaÂtions shared using its serÂvices. It was acquired earÂliÂer this year by LinkedIn in a deal rumoured to be worth almost $120 million.
The WordÂPress app will help you import your WP blog posts into your proÂfile. You can even import only those posts tagged as ‘LinkedIn’. The ‘Tweets’ app will give you access to TwitÂter from the comÂfort of your LinkedIn profile.
If you’re using the Answers feaÂture to increase your knowlÂedge of indusÂtry develÂopÂments you will undoubtÂedÂly have noticed that after a while the abilÂiÂty to answer quesÂtions is closed. Did you know that by using the ‘My Q&A’ tab withÂin Answers you can extend the life of a quesÂtion so othÂer users have more time to answer?
You can reach out to peoÂple that you’re not conÂnectÂed to by using OpenÂLink. This is a great way of conÂnectÂing to someÂone when there’s no othÂer way, howÂevÂer be mindÂful that LinkedIn users are wary of those who appear too intruÂsive. They are a reserved bunch and will not appreÂciÂate the ‘in your face’ comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtion tacÂtics that are used regÂuÂlarÂly on FaceÂbook for example.
PerÂhaps the biggest way to improve your proÂfile on LinkedIn is to join groups. A free memÂberÂship packÂage allows users to join up to 50 groups and by being an active memÂber, joinÂing in disÂcusÂsions and postÂing meanÂingÂful conÂtent you can improve your standÂing with the peoÂple in your secÂtor who hold posiÂtions of influÂence. You can bypass the need to be a conÂnecÂtion in order to mesÂsage anothÂer memÂber and you can view their proÂfiles too. By joinÂing more groups, your opporÂtuÂniÂties to conÂnect and comÂmuÂniÂcate increase.