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SouthStar Communities chooses Augme subsidiary Hipcricket for lead generation

Real estate devel­op­ment com­pa­ny South­Star Com­mu­ni­ties has select­ed Hipcrick­et, a mobile adver­tis­ing sub­sidiary of Augme Tech­nolo­gies, Inc., to pro­mote its pro­gram in lead generation.

Hipcricket’s AD LIFE® plat­form will be deployed, inte­grat­ing SMS, mobile web and QR codes to draw poten­tial new buy­ers to SouthStar’s com­mu­ni­ties in North Car­oli­na and Texas.

In line with trends picked up by a grow­ing army of SMBs, South­Star detect­ed a rise in traf­fic com­ing from mobile devices and wise­ly start­ed look­ing for a solu­tion to deliv­er cre­ative con­tent which was equal­ly at home on smart­phones and PC screens.  After a good deal of scour­ing through the mobile adver­tis­ing agen­cies mar­ket, the firm select­ed Hipcricket’s “Mobile Site­Builder” solu­tion, which is pow­ered with patent­ed device detec­tion tech­nol­o­gy capa­ble of iden­ti­fy­ing mobile devices and ensur­ing that sites appear prop­er­ly on all portable gadgets.

Why Hipcrick­et?

The real estate devel­op­ment company’s Direc­tor of Inter­net Mar­ket­ing, Justin Sten­srut, said, “We select­ed Hipcrick­et in large part due to its exten­sive slate of patent­ed mobile offer­ings.  We’re inte­grat­ing mobile web, QR codes and SMS into a re-mar­ketable data­base that seam­less­ly works with our CRM sys­tem.  Hipcrick­et deliv­ers these capa­bil­i­ties with­in a sin­gle plat­form that allows us to run self-ser­vice campaigns.”

Com­ment­ing on the deal, Hipcricket’s Exec­u­tive Vice Pres­i­dent of Sales and Ser­vices, Doug Sto­vall, said that mobile phones adver­tis­ing “rep­re­sents an extra­or­di­nary lead gen­er­a­tion tool for busi­ness­es that rely on con­sumer reach and engage­ment like res­i­den­tial com­mu­ni­ties.” He went on to com­mend South­Star for hav­ing the vision to fuse the reach of SMS “with the engage­ment of a rich media expe­ri­ence pro­vid­ed by their mobile sites.”

A grow­ing client base

South­Star has so far cre­at­ed twen­ty com­mu­ni­ties in Texas and Flori­da and the new deal rep­re­sents a sig­nif­i­cant project for an up and com­ing agency like Hipcrick­et.  The stat­ed mis­sion of the New York-based ad agency is to empow­er media prop­er­ties, agen­cies and brands “to engage cus­tomers, dri­ve loy­al­ty and increase sales.”  To this effect, they uti­lize all mobile chan­nels from SMS to 2D/QR codes, social media to brand­ed apps, and mobile web­sites to adver­tis­ing net­works.  Hipcrick­et counts big names like Miller­Coors, Clear Chan­nel and Macy’s amongst its clients; and now, of course, South­Star Com­mu­ni­ties, too.