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Software Engineer, Ruby on Rails at TaskRabbit in San Francisco, CA


TaskRab­bit is on a mis­sion to empow­er peo­ple to do what they love. We’re the pio­neers of “ser­vice net­work­ing” — it’s like social net­work­ing, except instead of tag­ging embar­rass­ing pho­tos of each oth­er, argu­ing about pol­i­tics, or putting a baby pho­to where a pro­file snap­shot should be, our mem­bers help each oth­er save time and earn some money.

We’ve already raised more than $36 mil­lion through investors includ­ing Base­line Ven­tures, First Round Cap­i­tal, FLOODGATE FUND, Light­Speed Ven­ture Part­ners, Founders Fund and Shas­ta Ven­tures. We’re build­ing a peer-to-peer mar­ket­place that safe­ly and reli­ably con­nects neigh­bors to get things done through the meld­ing of social, loca­tion-based, and mobile technologies.

We’re get­ting down and/or dirty with social graph analy­sis and ana­lyt­ics-dri­ven opti­miza­tion, with an eye toward user expe­ri­ence that’s both pleas­ant and frictionless.

We’re a mis­sion-dri­ven busi­ness and our cul­ture is fast-paced. We’re look­ing for tal­ent­ed, entre­pre­neuri­al­ly mind­ed peo­ple who believe in mov­ing the econ­o­my to a more col­lab­o­ra­tive place — and hav­ing a ton of fun while they’re at it.


Join our ear­ly stage engi­neer­ing team which cur­rent­ly con­sists of 6 devel­op­ers as we scale our web­site in terms of geog­ra­phy and users, add data analy­sis fea­tures to opti­mize our busi­ness, and beau­ti­fy our prod­uct. TaskRab­bit is on the verge of some­thing real­ly big and we will look to you for best prac­tices around archi­tec­ture, deploy­ment and scal­ing the ser­vice to mil­lions of people.


We cur­rent­ly use Rails 3.2+, MySQL, mem­cached, redis, and riak. We’re always open to use the right tools to get the job done. We have a hand­ful of sep­a­rate apps work­ing togeth­er to pro­vide ser­vice inter­faces. These apps are small, fast, and make iter­a­tion on fea­tures very fast and easy. We’re a fan of thin con­trollers, clean mod­els, dec­o­ra­tors, mod­u­lar code, and best of all sim­ple solu­tions. We use RSpec, Steak, and Capy­bara — no Cucum­ber. If we come up with a solu­tion for a com­mon prob­lem, we do what we can to open source it.


Expe­ri­ence build­ing back-end sys­tems on a high-traf­fic, low-laten­cy web site.

2+ Years of Ruby devel­op­ment expe­ri­ence with strong knowl­edge of the Rails frame­work. You will be able to con­tribute to our Ruby code base from your first day of work.

Strong knowl­edge of the fun­da­men­tals of net­work­ing, oper­at­ing sys­tems, and security.

A Bach­e­lors Degree in Com­put­er Sci­ence or Com­put­er Engi­neer­ing, or equiv­a­lent expe­ri­ence (2+ Years).

Agile. Intel­li­gent. Cre­ative. Prob­lem-solver. Start­up lover. You like mak­ing things happen.


You have con­tributed to an open source soft­ware project; show us your github account!

You’ve done a Task on the site and have ideas on how to make it better.


In addi­tion to work­ing with the smartest team of entre­pre­neurs, advi­sors, and investors on the plan­et, TaskRab­bit team mem­bers get a ton of perks:

Moola: Cash comp paired with equi­ty — we are look­ing for the best and will pay them accordingly.

Chal­lenge: The oppor­tu­ni­ty for growth in a fast-paced pro­gres­sive com­pa­ny is yours for the taking.

Tasks: A month­ly Task stipend, which is sort of like hav­ing your own 24/7 concierge army.

Ben­e­fits: Great health cov­er­age and den­tal ben­e­fits, a flex­i­ble spend­ing account, 401k plans, laun­dry ser­vice, and reg­u­lar lunch­es on the company’s dime.

Edu­ca­tion: A series of Lunch and Learn events — we call it Learnch — along with in-office men­tor­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties and access to the TaskRab­bit library.

Office: A huge, dog-friend­ly SOMA loft built to accom­mo­date col­lab­o­ra­tion, with two ful­ly stocked kitchens and a game room. Great loca­tion in SOMA (5 blocks from Cal­Train, 3 blocks from BART).

Enter­tain­ment: Tons of video games.Pingpong, and an online leader­board cre­at­ed in Heroku. 😉


Please send us your resume. How to move your resume to the top of the pile? Please send us a code sam­ple as your cov­er letter.



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