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Shake like a Chihuahua if you become Zocalo’s New Social Media Community Manager in Chicago

Zóca­lo is in need of an Account Exec­u­tive to become the Social Media Com­mu­ni­ty Man­ag­er in Chica­go. They’re grow­ing (but still a lit­tle scrap­py), and are always wel­com­ing new Zokes to join. Zóca­lo Group is a social, dig­i­tal and word of mouth mar­ket­ing agency focused on mak­ing their clients the most rec­om­mend­ed brands in their categories.

The team knows how pow­er­ful rec­om­men­da­tions are, whether from a friend, fam­i­ly mem­ber, col­league or expert, and work to build rec­om­men­da­tions for their clients like Crick­et Wire­less, Nis­san, DuPont, Nestlé and VMware every day. They’re look­ing for some­one with strong social media chops, com­mu­ni­ty man­age­ment and good project man­age­ment skills to work on some fun con­sumer brands.

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So who is the ide­al Social Media Com­mu­ni­ty Manager?

So what do they want you to do at this place? Let’s see, for starters, build a rap­port and cul­ti­vate rela­tion­ships with clients, through sound coun­sel, cre­ative prob­lem solv­ing, idea gen­er­a­tion, and flaw­less exe­cu­tion. Then con­duct influ­encer iden­ti­fi­ca­tion research and out­reach and con­tent calendars.

You should be total­ly engag­ing exter­nal audi­ences, blog­gers, ven­dors, and agency part­ners. Man­age finan­cials and imple­men­ta­tion of client pro­grams and projects from con­cept to exe­cu­tion. Mon­i­tor, ana­lyze and report on client pro­gram met­rics and online conversations

They want you to have at least a Bachelor’s degree in a relat­ed field required, Two to four years of expe­ri­ence in mar­ket­ing, pub­lic rela­tions or com­mu­ni­ca­tions. Con­sumer mar­ket­ing expe­ri­ence required and a wicked under­stand­ing of social media and online com­mu­ni­ties in rela­tion to broad­er media mix.

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Here’s what Zoca­lo has to say about the ser­vice they offer:

We inspire our peo­ple as they become social and dig­i­tal experts. How? By offer­ing a unique range of career oppor­tu­ni­ties and client expe­ri­ences oth­er agen­cies can’t touch. Sounds pret­ty cool, right? We think so too. But then again, what’s not to love about a fun, smart, and for­ward-think­ing agency?