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Senior Television Weather Broadcaster Meteorologist Job to Reach 1.5 Billion People

Accuweath­er needs a Senior Tele­vi­sion Weath­er Broad­cast­er in their world head­quar­ters in State Col­lege Pennsylvania.

Imag­ine doing the weath­er fore­cast for over 1.5 bil­lion peo­ple every day!

Mete­o­rol­o­gy is a more than 2,400 year old pro­fes­sion that dates back to Aris­to­tle and ear­ly Greece. Greek philoso­phers of that era con­duct­ed the ear­li­est known sci­en­tif­ic stud­ies of the weath­er. It was in that peri­od that Aris­to­tle wrote Mete­o­ro­log­i­ca (340 BC), a sem­i­nal work dis­cussing var­i­ous atmos­pher­ic phe­nom­e­na, as well as geol­o­gy, shoot­ing stars and oceanography.

At the time, the word “mete­or” referred to rain, hail, clouds, snow, rain­bows, etc., any sub­stance sus­pend­ed in the air or that fell from the sky. (Even today, cloud physi­cists and oth­er sci­en­tists refer to rain­drops as hydrom­e­te­ors.) Since most of Aristotle’s Metero­log­i­ca dealt with weath­er phe­nom­e­na and his views on how they occurred, “mete­o­rol­o­gy” came to be used when refer­ring to the study of weath­er and the atmosphere.

Apply for this job by click­ing this link

Accuweath­er, is rec­og­nized and doc­u­ment­ed as the most accu­rate source of weath­er fore­casts and warn­ings in the world.

Serv­ing more than 1.5 bil­lion peo­ple dai­ly to help them plan their lives and get more out of their day through inno­v­a­tive dig­i­tal media prop­er­ties, such as and mobile, as well as AccuWeath­er for Busi­ness (AFB), radio, tele­vi­sion, news­pa­pers, and the 24/7 AccuWeath­er Network.

Accuweath­er fore­casts have saved tens of thou­sands of lives, pre­vent­ed hun­dreds of thou­sands of injuries and tens of bil­lions of dol­lars in prop­er­ty damage.

With glob­al head­quar­ters in State Col­lege, PA and oth­er offices around the world,  AccuWeath­er pro­duces and dis­trib­utes news, weath­er con­tent, and video for more than 180,000 third-par­ty websites.

Among AccuWeather’s many inno­v­a­tive and award-win­ning fea­tures free to the pub­lic are Min­ute­Cast® Minute by Minute™ fore­casts with Supe­ri­or Accu­ra­cy™. Fur­ther, AccuWeath­er serves more than half of For­tune 500 com­pa­nies and thou­sands of busi­ness­es globally.

The Senior Tele­vi­sion Weath­er Broad­cast­er Role:

Apply for this job by click­ing this link

The Senior Tele­vi­sion Weath­er Broad­cast­er plays an extreme­ly impor­tant role in AccuWeather’s mis­sion of sav­ing lives and prop­er­ty by pro­vid­ing accu­rate, detailed, impact-dri­ven and infor­ma­tive weath­er fore­casts to the mil­lions of view­ers of the AccuWeath­er Tele­vi­sion Net­work. Dri­ven by fore­casts that are cre­at­ed by a con­sen­sus between the on-air team and oper­a­tional fore­cast­ers, live and record­ed seg­ments filmed by AccuWeather’s on-air mete­o­rol­o­gists cov­er all weath­er phe­nom­e­na. The AccuWeath­er Net­work deliv­ers “All Weath­er, All the Time” with cov­er­age span­ning before, dur­ing and after storms, as well as break­ing news events and inter­est stories.

The Senior Tele­vi­sion Weath­er Broad­cast­er will work at AccuWeather’s Head­quar­ters in State Col­lege, Pennsylvania.

What the Senior Tele­vi­sion Weath­er Broad­cast­er will be doing:

  • Works with AccuWeath­er Mete­o­rol­o­gists, graph­ics design­ers and pro­duc­ers to pre­pare accu­rate on-cam­era video weath­er forecasts.
  • Using graph­ic tools pro­vid­ed, to assist in build­ing of the weath­er shows to clear­ly tell a weath­er story.
  • Uses cre­ativ­i­ty to tai­lor con­tent and deliv­ery based on indi­vid­ual client’s needs includ­ing length and deliv­ery time.
  • Dur­ing each video, the Senior Tele­vi­sion Broad­cast­er will adhere to com­pa­ny stan­dards for on-air pre­sen­ta­tion, includ­ing the impacts of the weath­er on video view­ers, time­lines for events and spe­cial empha­sis on severe weather.
  • Occa­sion­al field and/or pack­age reporting.
  • The Senior Tele­vi­sion Broad­cast­er must fol­low the cloth­ing and appear­ance require­ments out­lined by the Image Consultant.
  • Assists with the oper­a­tional and strate­gic goals of AccuWeather’s social media initiatives.
  • Adhere to all depart­ment policies.
  • Oth­er duties as assigned.

The Senior Tele­vi­sion Weath­er Broad­cast­er will want to have…

  • Bach­e­lor’s degree in Mete­o­rol­o­gy is pre­ferred; how­ev­er, can­di­dates with a Bachelor’s degree in Communications/Broadcasting will be considered.
  • At least 7–10 years of weath­er-relat­ed broad­cast­ing expe­ri­ence is preferred.
  • Strong ver­bal and writ­ten com­mu­ni­ca­tions skills are required.
  • Abil­i­ty to effec­tive­ly com­mu­ni­cate in the broad­cast style is required.
  • Win­dows and MAC oper­at­ing sys­tems knowl­edge is required.
  • Reg­u­lar and pre­dictable atten­dance is required for this role.
  • Must be avail­able to work week­ends, evenings, hol­i­days and overnights as required.

Apply for this job by click­ing this link


AccuWeath­er is proud to be an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employ­er. We are com­mit­ted to equal employ­ment oppor­tu­ni­ty to all appli­cants and exist­ing employ­ees and we eval­u­ate qual­i­fied appli­cants with­out regard to race, creed, col­or, nation­al ori­gin, sex (includ­ing preg­nan­cy and gen­der identity/expression), sex­u­al ori­en­ta­tion, age, ances­try, phys­i­cal or men­tal dis­abil­i­ty, mar­i­tal sta­tus, polit­i­cal affil­i­a­tion, reli­gion, cit­i­zen­ship sta­tus, genet­ic infor­ma­tion, vet­er­an sta­tus, or any oth­er basis pro­tect­ed under applic­a­ble fed­er­al, state, or local law. View the EEO is the Law poster here and its sup­ple­ment here. The pay trans­paren­cy pol­i­cy is avail­able here.

AccuWeath­er is com­mit­ted to work­ing with and pro­vid­ing rea­son­able accom­mo­da­tions to indi­vid­u­als with dis­abil­i­ties. If you need a rea­son­able accom­mo­da­tion because of a dis­abil­i­ty for any part of the employ­ment process, please send an e‑mail to and let us know the nature of your request and your con­tact information.