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Product Managers — Mediamorph is seeking mid to senior level people for New York office.

Medi­amorph is seek­ing mid to senior lev­el Prod­uct Man­agers in New York who are expe­ri­enced in supporting/managing com­plex cus­tom devel­op­ment projects.  This is an excit­ing oppor­tu­ni­ty with the abil­i­ty to shape the company’s future prod­uct direc­tion in a fas­ci­nat­ing and rapid­ly-chang­ing mar­ket. They are a soft­ware-as-a-ser­vice (SaaS) com­pa­ny that pro­vides data man­age­ment, ana­lyt­ics and appli­ca­tions for man­ag­ing dig­i­tal distribution.

What­ev­er your data needs, Mediamorph’s cloud based mod­ules and man­aged ser­vice team ensure that the infor­ma­tion flows smooth­ly, quick­ly and accu­rate­ly between you and your busi­ness part­ners. We remove the opac­i­ty that can sur­round the dig­i­tal dis­tri­b­u­tion world. As a web based plat­form, we make it easy for you to start small, scale as you need and make our tools avail­able to any­one in the world.

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So who are the ide­al Prod­uct Man­agers for Mediamorph?

Their ide­al can­di­date has M&E indus­try expe­ri­ence, account­ing, back office, and sys­tem devel­op­ment expe­ri­ence. You must be able to work with clients to estab­lish and doc­u­ment busi­ness objec­tives and needs, cur­rent oper­a­tional pro­ce­dures, prob­lems, input and out­put require­ments. Cre­at­ing Func­tion­al Design Spec­i­fi­ca­tion doc­u­ments to cap­ture client require­ments and oppor­tu­ni­ties for improv­ing busi­ness process­es through use of Medi­amorph soft­ware and services.

Hope you like test­ing: Write test scripts and assist in per­form­ing test­ing in all sys­tem cycles? Con­firm rev­enue and roy­al­ties pro­cess­ing, guar­an­tee over­age & short­fall analy­sis, invoic­ing and cash appli­ca­tion is accu­rate, as applic­a­ble. Inter­pret com­plex con­tent acqui­si­tion and dis­tri­b­u­tion agree­ments and reduce salient points for sys­tem input. Con­firm con­tract terms as entered are gen­er­at­ing the expect­ed results in all oth­er mod­ules.  Con­firm all busi­ness log­ic doc­u­ment­ed is imple­ment­ed with results as expected.

5+ years of prod­uct man­age­ment expe­ri­ence in enter­prise soft­ware, BS or MS in Com­put­er Sci­ence or equiv­a­lent tech­ni­cal expe­ri­ence would be absolute­ly fab­u­lous. Basic knowl­edge of roy­al­ty account­ing and min­i­mum guar­an­tees as well as knowl­edge of the con­tent mon­e­ti­za­tion process. Expe­ri­ence doc­u­ment­ing busi­ness process­es and account­ing, oral and pre­sen­ta­tion skills, with an abil­i­ty to express high­ly tech­ni­cal con­cepts, design ideas and require­ments to a devel­op­ment team and non- tech­ni­cal audiences.

Medi­amorph pays a com­pet­i­tive base salary and full med­ical and den­tal ben­e­fits.   A key addi­tion­al com­po­nent of your com­pen­sa­tion plan will be in equi­ty whose val­ue will grow as the result of your efforts.

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Here’s what Medi­amorph has to say about the ser­vice they offer:

Medi­amorph is based in New York City with offices in Los Ange­les and Lon­don. We help Media and Enter­tain­ment com­pa­nies to pros­per in a rapid­ly chang­ing envi­ron­ment. We do this through our indus­try lead­ing cloud-based plat­form that col­lects rights, per­for­mance, rev­enue and social data on an indus­try-wide scale. We then over­lay that data with tools to auto­mate oper­a­tions, per­form data analy­sis and opti­mize busi­ness results.

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