There probÂaÂbly aren’t that many prodÂuct manÂagers who’d claim to love email. Turn your back on your inbox for five minÂutes and it’s clutÂtered again, often with stuff you don’t want and didn’t ask for. And as for comÂing back to it after a vacaÂtion, well, that’s a whole othÂer stoÂry. But one tech startÂup CEO sinÂcereÂly does love email, not least because everyÂone still uses it. And, says Lee Ott (co-founder and CEO of Palo Alto-based ‘Rokket Launch’) most of it, no matÂter how voluÂmiÂnous it might be, isn’t junk. Rokket Launch aims to sort it all out, makÂing manÂageÂable and ordered moleÂhills out of mounÂtains of elecÂtronÂic jumble.
PeeqPeeq’s progress
ProdÂuct numero uno for the startÂup, which has raised $1.25 milÂlion so far, is the quaintÂly named app PeeÂqPeeq. What, the curiÂous prodÂuct manÂagÂer will be wonÂderÂing, is a PeeÂqPeeq? The clue’s in the sound rather than the spelling: it peeks through all the shopÂping-relatÂed emails in the user’s inbox, sucks them up and orgaÂnizes them into a Web store accesÂsiÂble by deskÂtop PCs, iPads and iPhones. And it neatÂly places all the shopÂping-relatÂed mesÂsages into a sepÂaÂrate foldÂer exterÂnal to the inbox.
Ott likens it to a kind of FlipÂboard or Zite for shopÂping. And PeeÂqPeeq does some pretÂty clever things in addiÂtion, like pickÂing up when a sale is due to end or combÂing a retailer’s webÂsite so that it knows exactÂly which items qualÂiÂfy for the storewide disÂcount it’s just sent an email about. It becomes a conÂtinÂuÂalÂly updatÂed catÂaÂlog of things to buy. That’s a good deal more posÂiÂtive than all those apps out there presÂsurÂizÂing users into totalÂly cleanÂing out their inboxÂes, as most prodÂuct manÂagers would probÂaÂbly agree. For PeeÂqPeeq, email is a resource, not a burden.
More in the pipeline
ShopÂping is just the first step. Ott has plans to creÂate more apps aimed at grabÂbing a range of othÂer conÂtent types from that groanÂing inbox, putting them tidiÂly away but readÂiÂly accesÂsiÂble in sepÂaÂrate apps.
The monÂey raised has come courÂtesy of MoraÂdo VenÂtures, JerÂry Yang’s AME Cloud VenÂtures, Farzed Nazem and Jon RubinÂstein, most of whom (like Ott and his co-founder Anirbin KunÂdu) are erstÂwhile Yahoo execÂuÂtives with a dash of WebOS expeÂriÂence. Ott’s field at Yahoo was mobile but he became Hewlett-Packard’s head of prodÂuct for webOS.