Zenith Labs is lookÂing for a Junior Media BuyÂer for email.
We’re a team of health proÂfesÂsionÂals with a revÂoÂluÂtionÂary approach to natÂurÂal supplements.
At Zenith Labs, Dr. Ryan and his team use their extenÂsive knowlÂedge of alterÂnaÂtive medÂiÂcine and recent develÂopÂments in traÂdiÂtionÂal medÂiÂcine to cusÂtom-forÂmuÂlate supplements.
Our docÂtor-forÂmuÂlatÂed supÂpleÂments are whole-body soluÂtions taiÂlored to the most frusÂtratÂing health conÂcerns. Each Zenith Labs supÂpleÂment is a preÂcise comÂbiÂnaÂtion of ingreÂdiÂents that work togethÂer to supÂport your body’s natÂurÂal healÂing process. We often find our natÂurÂal ingreÂdiÂents in traÂdiÂtionÂal remeÂdies, and we always select ingreÂdiÂents backed by medÂical research.
But we need help getÂting the word out and growÂing our cusÂtomer base.
Unique opporÂtuÂniÂty to get your foot in the door with a fast growÂing globÂal comÂpaÂny that’s comÂpleteÂly remote. Huge opporÂtuÂniÂty for growth and advanceÂment, get loads of expeÂriÂence with email marÂketÂing and learn from some of the best.
AweÂsome comÂpaÂny culÂture, fun and fast paced enviÂronÂment, conÂtinÂued growth and staÂble indusÂtry proÂvidÂing you with job security.
If you are lookÂing for an ongoÂing, work from home role, and are pasÂsionÂate about improvÂing people’s lives, then conÂtinÂue reading.
This Junior Media BuyÂer includes negoÂtiÂatÂing and buyÂing adverÂtisÂing invenÂtoÂry for our lineÂup of health supÂpleÂments. This media buyÂing role will focus 70% on email media buys. You will be keepÂing track of sales figÂures, ad spend, etc. so being good with numÂbers is critical.
As a sucÂcessÂful Junior Media BuyÂer you should be an effecÂtive negoÂtiaÂtor and critÂiÂcal thinker. You will build strong relaÂtionÂships with our partÂners to optiÂmize ad expoÂsure and sucÂcess. You will anaÂlyze data as well and help with othÂer chanÂnels (FaceÂbook Google, etc), based on need, as we are a small media buyÂing team.
- Help idenÂtiÂfy tarÂget audiÂences and plan Email media campaigns
- ComÂpare and negoÂtiÂate rates, ad space, and mail dates
- OptiÂmize plans and budÂgets accordÂing to the best media mix
- PreÂpare schedÂules and adjust when needed
- ExperÂiÂment with new platÂforms and channels
- Ensure ads are creÂative and disÂplayed appropriately
- MonÂiÂtor costs and return on investÂment (ROI)
- Report to clients and build long-term relationships
- Some expeÂriÂence as Media BuyÂer or simÂiÂlar role; expeÂriÂence in digÂiÂtal media is preferred
- FamilÂiarÂiÂty with email media-buyÂing, planÂning and research
- InterÂest in folÂlowÂing adverÂtisÂing and media trends
- WorkÂing knowlÂedge of media anaÂlytÂics softÂware (e.g. comScore)
- ExcelÂlent comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtion and negoÂtiÂaÂtion skills
- OrgaÂniÂzaÂtionÂal and mulÂtiÂtaskÂing abilities
- AttenÂtion to detail
- CritÂiÂcal thinkÂing skills
- CritÂiÂcal thinkÂing skills
- Some HTML expeÂriÂence preferred
- BSc/BA in MarÂketÂing, AdverÂtisÂing or relatÂed field
LocaÂtion: Remote
Please subÂmit covÂer letÂter and resume for Junior Media BuyÂer to fran@zenithlabsmail.com