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Junior Media Buyer: Get Healthy and Get Paid

Zenith Labs is look­ing for a Junior Media Buy­er for email.

We’re a team of health pro­fes­sion­als with a rev­o­lu­tion­ary approach to nat­ur­al supplements.

At Zenith Labs, Dr. Ryan and his team use their exten­sive knowl­edge of alter­na­tive med­i­cine and recent devel­op­ments in tra­di­tion­al med­i­cine to cus­tom-for­mu­late supplements.

Our doc­tor-for­mu­lat­ed sup­ple­ments are whole-body solu­tions tai­lored to the most frus­trat­ing health con­cerns.  Each Zenith Labs sup­ple­ment is a pre­cise com­bi­na­tion of ingre­di­ents that work togeth­er to sup­port your body’s nat­ur­al heal­ing process.  We often find our nat­ur­al ingre­di­ents in tra­di­tion­al reme­dies, and we always select ingre­di­ents backed by med­ical research.

But we need help get­ting the word out and grow­ing our cus­tomer base.

Unique oppor­tu­ni­ty to get your foot in the door with a fast grow­ing glob­al com­pa­ny that’s com­plete­ly remote. Huge oppor­tu­ni­ty for growth and advance­ment, get loads of expe­ri­ence with email mar­ket­ing and learn from some of the best.

Awe­some com­pa­ny cul­ture, fun and fast paced envi­ron­ment, con­tin­ued growth and sta­ble indus­try pro­vid­ing you with job security.

If you are look­ing for an ongo­ing, work from home role, and are pas­sion­ate about improv­ing people’s lives, then con­tin­ue reading.

This Junior Media Buy­er includes nego­ti­at­ing and buy­ing adver­tis­ing inven­to­ry for our line­up of health sup­ple­ments. This media buy­ing role will focus 70% on email media buys. You will be keep­ing track of sales fig­ures, ad spend, etc. so being good with num­bers is critical.

As a suc­cess­ful Junior Media Buy­er you should be an effec­tive nego­tia­tor and crit­i­cal thinker. You will build strong rela­tion­ships with our part­ners to opti­mize ad expo­sure and suc­cess. You will ana­lyze data as well and help with oth­er chan­nels (Face­book Google, etc), based on need, as we are a small media buy­ing team.


  • Help iden­ti­fy tar­get audi­ences and plan Email media campaigns
  • Com­pare and nego­ti­ate rates, ad space, and mail dates
  • Opti­mize plans and bud­gets accord­ing to the best media mix
  • Pre­pare sched­ules and adjust when needed
  • Exper­i­ment with new plat­forms and channels
  • Ensure ads are cre­ative and dis­played appropriately
  • Mon­i­tor costs and return on invest­ment (ROI)
  • Report to clients and build long-term relationships


  • Some expe­ri­ence as Media Buy­er or sim­i­lar role; expe­ri­ence in dig­i­tal media is preferred
  • Famil­iar­i­ty with email media-buy­ing, plan­ning and research
  • Inter­est in fol­low­ing adver­tis­ing and media trends
  • Work­ing knowl­edge of media ana­lyt­ics soft­ware (e.g. comScore)
  • Excel­lent com­mu­ni­ca­tion and nego­ti­a­tion skills
  • Orga­ni­za­tion­al and mul­ti­task­ing abilities
  • Atten­tion to detail
  • Crit­i­cal think­ing skills
  • Crit­i­cal think­ing skills
  • Some HTML expe­ri­ence preferred
  • BSc/BA in Mar­ket­ing, Adver­tis­ing or relat­ed field

Loca­tion: Remote

Please sub­mit cov­er let­ter and resume for Junior Media Buy­er to