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Search “beams” content across online file storage services

Wap­p­wolf, the tech start­up from Linz but now based in San Fran­cis­co, has this week launched its brand new auto­mat­ed mul­ti-post­ing tool,

Chief tech­nol­o­gy offi­cers, prod­uct man­agers and chief rev­enue offi­cers alike will be inter­est­ed in what makes unique, giv­en that auto­mat­ed mul­ti-post­ing tools have been around since the cloud gave users a pletho­ra of options for host­ing files or shar­ing their sta­tus.  There’s the social sta­tus updater (now owned by Hoot­Suite), online work col­lab­o­ra­tion tool Dis­patch, cloud search util­i­ty Cloud­Mag­ic, and auto­mat­ed task acti­va­tor IFTTT (“If This, Then That”), to name
but a few.

Beam me up, Scot­ty 

Sim­i­lar in con­cept to IFFTT, which auto­mat­i­cal­ly trig­gers tasks when a par­tic­u­lar action has occurred (such as, “if I change my Face­book pro­file, update my Twit­ter pro­file” or “alert me with a text when­ev­er a new email arrives”), allows con­tent shar­ing, or “beam­ing” as Wap­p­wolf calls it, over sev­er­al online file stor­age ser­vices.  Cur­rent­ly, the ser­vice “beams” con­tent like pho­tos or oth­er media and files to file stor­age ser­vices such as Google Dri­ve, Flickr, Face­book, Drop­box and Insta­gram.  But oth­er ser­vices are in the pipeline to be added short­ly, includ­ing Sky­drive, Ever­note, Picasa, Pho­to­buck­et and Pin­ter­est.

The startup’s co-founder and CEO Michael Eisler explained how it works using the exam­ple of photo-sharing:

“I cre­at­ed a beam of ‘my kids in Cal­i­for­nia’ and my whole fam­i­ly is able to sub­scribe using email, Drop­box, Google Dri­ve, Sky­drive and so on. Every time we had an excit­ing week­end, I just drop some new pics to my Drop­box through my iPhone and all fol­low­ers get a push to their receiv­ing des­ti­na­tion with a bunch of new photos.”

Fur­ther developments, which also sup­ports email, is intend­ed to be more than a des­ti­na­tion site for action­ing tasks how­ev­er; Wap­p­wolf is intro­duc­ing a “Beam But­ton” onto the site which will enable vis­i­tors to sub­scribe to con­tent through whichev­er means they are most com­fort­able with. Eisler and his team are work­ing on a project with, for exam­ple, which will allow artists to reach out to their followers.

Typ­i­cal­ly a “beam” takes around five min­utes to com­plete and will always send updates to the same recip­i­ent unless he or she turns it off. Busi­ness devel­op­ment asso­ciates will notice that, unlike many of its com­peti­tors, offers a per­ma­nent data pipeline.

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