Mark ZuckerÂberg , Facebook…**FILE**’s masÂterÂmind, Mark ZuckerÂberg smiles at his office in Palo Alto, Calif., in this MonÂday, Feb. 5, 2007 file phoÂto. The ownÂers of a rival social netÂworkÂing Web site are tryÂing to shut down, chargÂing in a fedÂerÂal lawÂsuit that FaceÂbook’s founder stole their ideas while they were stuÂdents at HarÂvard. The three founders of ConÂnecÂtU say ZuckerÂberg agreed to finÂish comÂputÂer code for their site, but repeatÂedÂly stalled and evenÂtuÂalÂly creÂatÂed FaceÂbook using their ideas. (AP Photo/Paul SakuÂma, FILE)