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German e‑commerce firm aims for the top

A rel­a­tive­ly recent arrival as a play­er in the elec­tron­ic com­merce indus­try is intent on becom­ing the first and fore­most online shop­ping firm in the whole of the Philip­pines by the close of this year.  Led by no less than five man­ag­ing direc­tors, all of whom have dif­fer­ent nation­al­i­ties includ­ing the likes of Brazil­ian, Dan­ish, Fil­ipino, Ital­ian and Turk­ish, Laza­da Philip­pines is owned by Rock­et Inter­net GmbH, a com­pa­ny based out of Germany.

As the company’s man­ag­ing direc­tor has stat­ed in inter­views with jour­nal­ists, Laza­da is an online shop­ping com­pa­ny, which sells a wide range of con­sumer items such as bed and bath­room acces­sories; com­put­ers, elec­tron­ics and per­fume and trav­el bags.  The com­pa­ny caters to the entire­ty of Metro Mani­la, with third par­ty deliv­ery ser­vices also avail­able across the islands.  One the five man­ag­ing direc­tors of the firm, Mat­tia Per­roni, says that the goal is to be the Philip­pines’ num­ber one elec­tron­ic com­merce company.

Quick busi­ness success

Per­roni, who comes from Italy, says that the goal of the com­pa­ny can be achieved off of the back of the pas­sion and high ener­gy on the part of its employ­ees, the qual­i­ty of the prod­ucts which are offered by the firm and the very attrac­tive mar­ket in the Philip­pines.  Per­roni says that only three peo­ple were involved in the com­pa­ny when it first began as recent­ly as just the Jan­u­ary of this year and now it has more than 260 employ­ees work­ing for it, an amaz­ing­ly quick busi­ness devel­op­ment. As a mod­el of busi­ness growth, this approach is bound to inter­est any e com­merce man­ag­er, web con­tent man­ag­er or e com­merce ana­lyst look­ing at mar­ket innovation.

Low over­heads keep costs low

“We have one sin­gle loca­tion,” says Turk­ish Inanc Bal­ci, who notes that because of their low over­head costs they are able to keep the price of their prod­ucts low.  “We can afford to keep costs low.”  Bal­ci is the man in charge of sourc­ing elec­tron­ic prod­ucts and adds that the firm also has a net­work of sup­pli­ers, which believe in the com­pa­ny.  “The eco­nom­ic indi­ca­tors are super good,” he notes.  “Philip­pines is grow­ing great.  To start an e‑commerce com­pa­ny, the Philip­pines is a per­fect country.”

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