A DirecÂtor of DigÂiÂtal SubÂscripÂtions job is open at M. Roberts Media
M. Roberts Media is a diverÂsiÂfied media and marÂketÂing soluÂtions comÂpaÂny that delivÂers unique expeÂriÂences for conÂsumers and adverÂtisÂers across all platÂforms. The comÂpaÂny is the parÂent entiÂty of M. Roberts DigÂiÂtal, TCM PrintÂing, and sevÂerÂal newsÂpaÂpers includÂing Tyler MornÂing TeleÂgraph, Longview News-JourÂnal, the VicÂtoÂria AdvoÂcate, MarÂshall News MesÂsenÂger, KilÂgoÂre News HerÂald, The HenÂderÂson News, and the Panola Watchman.
Who is M. Roberts Media and Where is it Located?
A Texas-based media comÂpaÂny with a globÂal reach, it has local offices throughÂout Texas, in VicÂtoÂria, Tyler, MarÂshall, and Longview. The comÂpaÂny has a sigÂnifÂiÂcant abilÂiÂty to reach these comÂmuÂniÂties, but its influÂence extends beyond the state borÂders, servÂing clients throughÂout the UnitÂed States and worldwide.
What MarÂkets Does the ComÂpaÂny Serve?
M. Roberts Media serves a wide range of marÂkets. It has an estabÂlished presÂence in East Texas and the CrossÂroads area in South Texas. Through its digÂiÂtal agency, M. Roberts DigÂiÂtal, the comÂpaÂny offers digÂiÂtal marÂketÂing serÂvices such as webÂsites, tarÂgetÂed digÂiÂtal ads, Google PPC ads, social media ads and manÂageÂment, video/photo serÂvices, email marÂketÂing, and more. Its newsÂpaÂpers offer print ads and printÂed prodÂucts. The comÂpaÂny’s digÂiÂtal agency reachÂes a worldÂwide audiÂence through digÂiÂtal marÂketÂing solutions.
Why Should I Want to Work at M. Robert’s Media?
The comÂpaÂny is curÂrentÂly seekÂing a DirecÂtor of DigÂiÂtal SubÂscripÂtions to lead its digÂiÂtal subÂscripÂtion efforts across its Texas marÂkets. The comÂpaÂny offers a dynamÂic and innoÂvÂaÂtive work enviÂronÂment. This posiÂtion offers the opporÂtuÂniÂty to driÂve digÂiÂtal audiÂence develÂopÂment and ensure a posÂiÂtive expeÂriÂence for digÂiÂtal subÂscribers. The role requires a deep underÂstandÂing of using data for cusÂtomer acquiÂsiÂtion and retenÂtion. The posiÂtion also offers the flexÂiÂbilÂiÂty to work remoteÂly, makÂing it an attracÂtive opporÂtuÂniÂty for those seekÂing a balÂance between work and perÂsonÂal life.
M. Roberts Media leverÂages its long-estabÂlished relaÂtionÂships with busiÂnessÂes and indiÂvidÂuÂals withÂin its local comÂmuÂniÂties, extenÂsive emails lists, and expeÂriÂenced peoÂple to driÂve conÂsumers to your door, webÂsite, or phone. The comÂpaÂny’s diverse portÂfoÂlio, includÂing newsÂpaÂpers, a digÂiÂtal marÂketÂing agency, comÂmerÂcial printÂing and disÂtriÂbÂuÂtion serÂvices, events proÂducÂtion and marÂketÂing, and othÂer prodÂucts, offers a wide range of opporÂtuÂniÂties for proÂfesÂsionÂal growth and development.
M. Roberts Media is a comÂpaÂny that comÂbines the local touch with a globÂal reach, servÂing a diverse range of marÂkets and offerÂing excitÂing career opporÂtuÂniÂties in the media and marÂketÂing industry.
Apply for the DirecÂtor of DigÂiÂtal SubÂscripÂtions job here
What kind of PerÂson would make a great DirecÂtor of DigÂiÂtal SubÂscripÂtions:
In this role you will work directÂly for the PresÂiÂdent and with senior ediÂtors to develÂop and impleÂment growth strateÂgies. You will leverÂage techÂnolÂoÂgy sysÂtems, data and insights to driÂve cusÂtomer engageÂment and retenÂtion. You will gain underÂstandÂing of what stoÂry the data is telling us and then brings forÂward ideas on how to improve process effiÂcienÂcy, prodÂuct utiÂlizaÂtion and cusÂtomer retenÂtion. This role is essenÂtial to M. Roberts Media’s misÂsion of delivÂerÂing qualÂiÂty local jourÂnalÂism to the marÂkets we serve.
- Using insights from cusÂtomer data and readÂer surÂveys, develÂop and exeÂcute plans that driÂve digÂiÂtal subÂscriber growth and improves subÂscriber engageÂment, loyÂalÂty and retention
- RegÂuÂlarÂly review cusÂtomer trend and behavÂioral data and share insights with digÂiÂtal audiÂence develÂopÂment teams
- In conÂjuncÂtion with the newsÂrooms, synÂtheÂsize comÂmon trends into actionÂable plans for improvÂing the cusÂtomer experience
- CloseÂly meaÂsure and regÂuÂlarÂly report the effecÂtiveÂness of all digÂiÂtal acquiÂsiÂtion and retenÂtion initiatives
- UnderÂstand, mainÂtain, and manÂage the payÂwall softÂware adminÂisÂtraÂtion to maxÂiÂmize subÂscribers and be able to test and deploy mulÂtiÂple user paths and messages
- DevelÂop dataÂbase queries and accuÂrate lists of user segÂments and mesÂsage distribution
- Work with the newsÂrooms to develÂop meaÂsurÂable experÂiÂments for improvÂing cusÂtomer retention
- In colÂlabÂoÂraÂtion with the DirecÂtor CirÂcuÂlaÂtion and cusÂtomer supÂport team, idenÂtiÂfy opporÂtuÂniÂties for effiÂcienÂcy withÂin our cusÂtomer transÂacÂtion and comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtion processÂes and driÂving forÂward solutions
- ProÂvide supÂport to the cusÂtomer supÂport team, includÂing assisÂtance with CRM sysÂtem conÂfigÂuÂraÂtion, runÂning reports, genÂerÂatÂing files for cusÂtomer mailÂings and helpÂing with othÂer relatÂed processes
- Assist in designÂing and impleÂmentÂing marÂket-speÂcifÂic retenÂtion proÂgrams digÂiÂtal subscriptions.
- Keep a pulse on cusÂtomer supÂport trends to underÂstand why cusÂtomers canÂcel subÂscripÂtions and work with cross-funcÂtionÂal teams to conÂtinÂuÂousÂly improve our subÂscripÂtion prodÂucts based on cusÂtomer insights
- Stay up to date on indusÂtry best pracÂtices for subÂscriber retention
We Offer:
- An excelÂlent benÂeÂfits packÂage includÂing health, denÂtal, and vision plans
- Long and short-term disÂabilÂiÂty and life insurÂance at no cost
- 401(k) retireÂment plan
- A genÂerÂous Paid Time Off plan
- Past expeÂriÂence impleÂmentÂing cusÂtomer retenÂtion strategies
- DemonÂstratÂed sucÂcess in anaÂlytÂiÂcal thinkÂing and telling stoÂries with data
- AbilÂiÂty to manÂage comÂplex data sets
- PriÂor expeÂriÂence being a subÂject matÂter expert for a CusÂtomer Data PlatÂform (CDP)
- ExpeÂriÂence with Google AnaÂlytÂics, Tableau and/or othÂer metÂrics and data visuÂalÂizaÂtion platÂforms preferred
- Strong probÂlem-solvÂing capabilities
- Self-motiÂvatÂed, excelÂlent orgaÂniÂzaÂtionÂal skills
- Must have a test and learn mindÂset, skilled at interÂpretÂing data to inform and articÂuÂlate a broadÂer strategy
- Must be entreÂpreÂneurÂial and innoÂvÂaÂtive, eager to disÂcovÂer new tools, tacÂtics, and inforÂmaÂtion that will driÂve performance
- Must be colÂlabÂoÂraÂtive; a relaÂtionÂship builder, able to work with a variÂety of teams, and subÂject matÂter experts
- Must be an excelÂlent comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtor, conÂfiÂdent in your knowlÂedge with the abilÂiÂty to explain results, trends, and strateÂgies in a variÂety of forÂmats, from writÂing the buildÂing preÂsenÂtaÂtions to preÂsentÂing in meetÂings both interÂnal and external
QualÂiÂfied appliÂcants are encourÂaged to apply at: