Data anaÂlysts perÂform a variÂety of tasks relatÂed to colÂlectÂing, orgaÂnizÂing, and interÂpretÂing staÂtisÂtiÂcal inforÂmaÂtion. The preÂcise nature of the job varies someÂwhat from proÂfesÂsion to proÂfesÂsion, as an anaÂlyst workÂing for a hosÂpiÂtal would necÂesÂsarÂiÂly focus on difÂferÂent things than would someÂone workÂing for a departÂment store or a superÂmarÂket chain. In any capacÂiÂty, though, peoÂple with this job look for ways of assignÂing numerÂiÂcal valÂues to difÂferÂent busiÂness funcÂtions, and are responÂsiÂble for idenÂtiÂfyÂing effiÂcienÂcies, probÂlem areas, and posÂsiÂble improvements.
InforÂmaÂtion Compilation
One of the most imporÂtant things any data anaÂlyst does is colÂlect, sort, and study difÂferÂent sets of inforÂmaÂtion. This can look realÂly difÂferÂent in difÂferÂent setÂtings, but is usuÂalÂly relatÂed to nailÂing down a fixed valÂue to some process or funcÂtion so that it can be assessed and comÂpared over time. A groÂcery store might want an anaÂlyst to colÂlect all the hours that cerÂtain employÂees work along with profÂit marÂgins for cerÂtain days, weeks, or even hours, for instance; an InterÂnet busiÂness might want to see hard numÂbers on where cusÂtomers are comÂing from, how much they are spendÂing on purÂchasÂes, and whether deals like free shipÂping have any bearÂing on overÂall profits.
There are sevÂerÂal difÂferÂent strateÂgies peoÂple can use to comÂpile data, but there are typÂiÂcalÂly three uniÂverÂsal goals. The data must be regÂuÂlatÂed, norÂmalÂized, and calÂiÂbratÂed such that it could be takÂen out of conÂtext, used alone, or put in conÂjuncÂtion with othÂer figÂures and still mainÂtain its integriÂty. AnaÂlysts typÂiÂcalÂly use comÂputÂer sysÂtems and comÂplex calÂcuÂlaÂtion appliÂcaÂtions to get their numÂbers nailed down, but there is still a lot of intelÂlecÂtuÂal know-how that goes into makÂing these sysÂtems work.
ExtrapÂoÂlaÂtion and Interpretation
Once the inforÂmaÂtion has been colÂlectÂed, anaÂlysts are usuÂalÂly responÂsiÂble for comÂing up with some conÂcluÂsions about what it means, as well as eduÂcatÂing busiÂness execÂuÂtives on how to use it. GetÂting hard numÂbers on sales figÂures for a givÂen holÂiÂday seaÂson, for examÂple, is someÂwhat useÂful in and of itself, but is usuÂalÂly most valuÂable when stacked against numÂbers from preÂviÂous years or othÂer seaÂsons as a point of comÂparÂiÂson. These proÂfesÂsionÂals may also be called on to help busiÂness ownÂers and leadÂers underÂstand what difÂferÂences in numÂbers mean when looked at from year to year or across varÂiÂous departÂments. They usuÂalÂly have the experÂtise to not only assign staÂtisÂtiÂcal valÂues to things, but also to explain what they mean.
ProÂjecÂtions and AdviÂsoÂry Responsibilities
In some comÂpaÂnies, anaÂlysts are charged with actuÂalÂly advisÂing project manÂagers and leadÂers about how cerÂtain data points can be changed or improved over time. They are often the ones with the best sense of why the numÂbers are the way they are, which can make them a good resource when thinkÂing about makÂing changes. A health clinÂic that wants to improve patient wait time might ask an anaÂlyst to idenÂtiÂfy the main reaÂsons for delays, for examÂple, just as an adverÂtisÂing firm might look for staÂtisÂtiÂcal feedÂback on priÂor camÂpaigns as a way to design and plan future slogans.
Research and WritÂing Tasks
AdviÂsoÂry responÂsiÂbilÂiÂties often go hand in hand with writÂing and research. Most anaÂlysts are comÂfortÂable preparÂing writÂten sumÂmaries to accomÂpaÂny graphs and charts, but the posiÂtion often calls for addiÂtionÂal writÂing tasks, too, such as draftÂing comÂpaÂny memÂoÂranÂdum, press releasÂes, and forÂmal reports. AnaÂlysts typÂiÂcalÂly also colÂlabÂoÂrate with dataÂbase proÂgramÂmers and adminÂisÂtraÂtors to write sysÂtem modÂiÂfiÂcaÂtion recÂomÂmenÂdaÂtions or in-house instrucÂtion and trainÂing materials.
SysÂtem ExperÂtise and Troubleshooting
Most of the work anaÂlysts do is comÂpletÂed with the help of comÂputÂers and digÂiÂtized staÂtisÂtiÂcal softÂware proÂgrams, which means that proÂfesÂsionÂals need a cerÂtain degree of techÂniÂcal experÂtise as a matÂter of course. MakÂing the sysÂtems work is the first and most imporÂtant part, but the job usuÂalÂly also requires proÂgram trouÂbleshootÂing and sysÂtem secuÂriÂty meaÂsures, as well as an abilÂiÂty to adapt to changÂing techÂnolÂoÂgy and keepÂing updates curÂrent and useÂful across mulÂtiÂple platforms.
Types of Work Settings
Almost every indusÂtry imagÂinÂable has a need for data analyÂsis, at least at some levÂel. Just the same, the fields of sales, marÂketÂing, and healthÂcare tend to have the most jobs availÂable for these proÂfesÂsionÂals at any givÂen time. Most proÂfesÂsionÂals work on teams to tackÂle speÂcifÂic projects or probÂlems as needÂed. A lot of the work is done on the comÂputÂer, and much of it can be done from home or from a remote office though this someÂtimes depends on the type of data being gathÂered. ProÂfesÂsionÂals can typÂiÂcalÂly expect to work stanÂdard hours, though imporÂtant projects or loomÂing deadÂlines can and often do require some overÂtime and weekÂend work.
Required TrainÂing
A uniÂverÂsiÂty eduÂcaÂtion is almost always essenÂtial for this sort of work. Most employÂers require data anaÂlysts to hold at least a bachelor’s degree, preferÂably in staÂtisÂtics, comÂputÂer sciÂence, or busiÂness adminÂisÂtraÂtion, though there are times when othÂer courseÂwork may be acceptÂable if the canÂdiÂdate can also demonÂstrate subÂstanÂtial expeÂriÂence workÂing in a relatÂed field. Many of the best paid and most sucÂcessÂful anaÂlysts hold master’s degrees or docÂtorÂates, which gives them more experÂtise and usuÂalÂly also guarÂanÂtees highÂer pay.
See the hunÂdreds of Data AnaÂlyst jobs now availÂable in New York City below: