Yet anothÂer ChiÂnese comÂpaÂny has filed for a pubÂlic offerÂing on the New York Stock Exchange. One of China’s top three job listÂing webÂsites, Zhaopin, is just the latÂest in a numÂber of ChiÂnese comÂpaÂnies who are hopÂing to hold US IniÂtial PubÂlic OfferÂings (IPO) latÂer this year, folÂlowÂing AlibaÂba, the country’s largest e‑commerce busiÂness and their nearÂest comÂpetiÂtor,, as well as Sina WeiÂbo, a micro-blogÂging site.
Zhaopin, a bi-linÂgual job board, was set up in 1994 and as of last year the site had 74 milÂlion regÂisÂtered users and listÂed more than 10.5 milÂlion job vacanÂcies iniÂtiÂatÂed by 250,000 unique users. At the end of its finanÂcial year in June 2013, it recordÂed $147 milÂlion in revÂenue, with the majorÂiÂty comÂing from its online recruitÂment comÂpaÂny. It is one of the three most sucÂcessÂful jobÂsites in ChiÂna, with its closÂest rivals being 51job and ChiÂnaHR. With its appliÂcaÂtion for a US IPO, it hopes to raise close to $100 million.
ComÂpeÂtiÂtion driÂving the US direction
It is believed that Zhaopin are makÂing the move into US stock marÂkets because of the intense comÂpeÂtiÂtion they are facÂing at home. For examÂple, the proÂfesÂsionÂal netÂworkÂing site, LinkedIn, has entered the ChiÂnese marÂket as recentÂly as FebÂruÂary, havÂing expeÂriÂenced a great deal of interÂest from ChiÂnese citÂiÂzens in the ten years it has been operÂaÂtional. Despite LinkedIn being an EngÂlish-lanÂguage site, it has more than four milÂlion regÂisÂtered users from ChiÂna, spanÂning 80,000 indeÂpenÂdent comÂpaÂnies. Thanks to China’s huge popÂuÂlaÂtion, LinkedIn is hopÂing to tap into its potenÂtial marÂket of over 140 milÂlion ChiÂnese busiÂness proÂfesÂsionÂals.
Zhaopin also have othÂer up-and-comÂing domesÂtic comÂpeÂtiÂtion, as ChiÂna has also seen othÂer recruitÂing comÂpaÂnies enjoy sucÂcess by tarÂgetÂing their serÂvices at speÂcifÂic workÂforce secÂtors, such as NeiÂtui which lists jobs in IT and techÂnolÂoÂgy, Liepin, tarÂgetÂing execÂuÂtives and RedRen HeadÂhuntÂing which feaÂtures a crowdÂsourcÂing recruitÂing app.
ChiÂnese stocks back in the game
This proves that there is new shift towards investors putting their monÂey into ChiÂnese stocks on US exchanges. PreÂviÂousÂly, investors had been shyÂing away from ChiÂnese stocks amidst accuÂsaÂtions durÂing 2012 by finanÂcial regÂuÂlaÂtors of impropÂer accountÂing havÂing takÂen place.