KTWO TV needs a BroadÂcast MeteÂoÂrolÂoÂgist for full-time on-air in Casper Wyoming.
If you have a viewÂer friendÂly perÂsonÂalÂiÂty and are lookÂing for an excitÂing opporÂtuÂniÂty to start your career in teleÂviÂsion weathÂer than you may want to conÂsidÂer workÂing in Wyoming.
The BroadÂcast MeteÂoÂrolÂoÂgist will be foreÂcastÂing the weathÂer for the entire state and your abilÂiÂty to foreÂcast the ever changÂing weathÂer could make you a valuÂable part of the comÂmuÂniÂty and perÂhaps a local celebrity.
For those just at the beginÂning of their career this posiÂtion offers the opporÂtuÂniÂty to be a great platÂform to build a career upon.
Coastal TeleÂviÂsion HoldÂings ComÂpaÂny LLC has an openÂing a for full time on-air BroadÂcast MeteÂoÂrolÂoÂgist at KTWO in Casper Wyoming.
Who is Coastal TeleÂviÂsion Broadcasting?
FoundÂed in 2008 and headÂquarÂtered in AnchorÂage, AlasÂka, Coastal TeleÂviÂsion BroadÂcastÂing HoldÂings LLC is engaged in the operÂaÂtion and acquiÂsiÂtion of teleÂviÂsion broadÂcastÂing staÂtions locatÂed in mid-to-small sized marÂkets. Coastal TV owns and operÂates KTBY, KFNB, KLWY and WLOV, the FOX BroadÂcast affilÂiÂates in AnchorÂage, AK, Casper, WY, Cheyenne, WY and TupeÂlo, MS, respectively.
Coastal TV also proÂvides adverÂtisÂing sales and othÂer serÂvices under arrangeÂments with KYUR (the ABC affilÂiÂate) and KYUR-DT.2 (the CW Plus affilÂiÂate) in AnchorÂage, AK.
Under an agreeÂment between Coastal TV and the ownÂer of KATN, KATN-DT.2 and KATN-DT.3 in FairÂbanks, AlasÂka, and KJUD, KJUD-DT.2 and KJUD-DT.3 in Juneau, AlasÂka, Coastal TV proÂvides cerÂtain of the staÂtions’ non-netÂwork proÂgramÂming. KATN and KJUD are the ABC affilÂiÂates in FairÂbanks and Juneau, respecÂtiveÂly. KATN-DT.2 and KJUD-DT.2 are the FOX BroadÂcast affilÂiÂates in FairÂbanks and Juneau, respecÂtiveÂly. KATN-DT.3 and KJUD-DT.3 are the CW Plus affilÂiÂate in FairÂbanks and Juneau, respectively.
Coastal TV also proÂvides serÂvices under arrangeÂments with the ownÂers of KTWO and KKTQ, ABC affilÂiÂates in Casper and Cheyenne, WY, respecÂtiveÂly, and the OwnÂers of KGWC, the CBS affilÂiÂate in Casper, WY.
What is the Job?
To the job as the full-time on-air BroadÂcast MeteÂoÂrolÂoÂgist on KTWO you should bring a degree in meteÂoÂrolÂoÂgy or plans on conÂtinÂuÂing eduÂcaÂtion in meteÂoÂrolÂoÂgy (which is strongÂly preferred).
CanÂdiÂdate must posÂsess a strong pasÂsion for foreÂcastÂing in a region with often unpreÂdictable weathÂer in all 4 seaÂsons. We foreÂcast weathÂer for the entire state, and with the vast geoÂgraphÂic area and diverse terÂrain it can be quite a challenge.
KTWO conÂtinÂues to relay input and feedÂback to Baron as an advanced Beta Site. This posiÂtion is an excitÂing opporÂtuÂniÂty to start your career workÂing with the latÂest tools. We are lookÂing for someÂone who is not only ready to present a comÂpelling, inforÂmaÂtive, and accuÂrate foreÂcast, but also a viewÂer friendÂly perÂsonÂalÂiÂty. Duties also include, but not limÂitÂed to, proÂducÂing and anchorÂing a daiÂly weathÂer webÂcast, interÂnet weathÂer updates, and enviÂronÂmenÂtal reportÂing as assigned. KTWO is an equal opporÂtuÂniÂty employÂer, and any job offer is conÂtinÂgent upon a DMV check of your driÂving record.
When applyÂing, please include a link to your reel in your resume.
Resumes can be emailed to jobs@frontrangetelevision.com
Coastal TeleÂviÂsion is an equal opporÂtuÂniÂty employer.