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Bitcasa — the startup software service that offers infinite data storage on Windows, iOS and Android

Every now and then a tech prod­uct comes out of the shad­ows of beta and sets off a wave of Pavlov­ian sali­va­tion amongst job­bing prod­uct man­agers. A start­up soft­ware ser­vice Bitcasa’s new offer­ings will almost cer­tain­ly acti­vate those sali­vary glands like a prize steak before a hun­gry pooch.

A TechCrunch Dis­rupt Alum­nus, the firm has been qui­et­ly evolv­ing its new offer­ings dur­ing its five months in beta.  And now it’s time to unveil them: not only is there a new ver­sion of its desk­top incar­na­tion, there are two new unlim­it­ed data stor­age apps for iOS and Android too.

Infi­nite stor­age, easy access

The ser­vice offers PC and mobile users unlim­it­ed stor­age, sav­ing only one ver­sion if redun­dant con­tent and only files that are unique to each user.  CEO and co-founder Tony Gau­da explains that Bit­casa is mov­ing into a new phase: ver­sion 2.0 is a con­sid­er­ably more pol­ished offer­ing than ver­sion 1.0, with a new user inter­face on the mobile apps which makes surf­ing intend­ed con­tent a breeze.

That’s no mean achieve­ment, as the informed prod­uct man­ag­er will no doubt appre­ci­ate: because users nev­er have to delete any­thing, search­ing for a par­tic­u­lar music, video or image file could be a real headache.  But Bitcasa’s solu­tion is a dev­il­ish­ly clever one: smart search, which lets users pin­point recent­ly accessed files with ease and allows search­es by date or name on every page (this fea­ture is in the pipeline for the Android app).

The apps also fea­ture a PIN code for added secu­ri­ty, and both apps and desk­top vari­eties come with dense client-side encryp­tion includ­ed as stan­dard. And depend­ing on how huge your data stor­age require­ments are, you can opt for Infi­nite Stor­age plans on the apps for $99 a year or $10 a month.

Mul­ti­lin­gual Bitcasa

There’s an inter­na­tion­al, mul­ti-lin­gual ele­ment to tack­le, though.  As Gua­da explains, “One of our great­est chal­lenges is that we’re see­ing a huge uptick in growth, but inter­na­tion­al­ly, even though we had a 100 per­cent Eng­lish product.”

Prob­lem solved. Bit­casa Ver­sion 2.0 and the apps come in the fol­low­ing lan­guages: Brazil­ian Por­tuguese, Chi­nese, Chi­nese (Sim­pli­fied), Eng­lish GB, French, Ger­man, Ital­ian, Japan­ese and Korean.

In March, Bit­casa stored 18 petabytes of data. Today it stores more than 30 petabytes. That, prod­uct man­agers will agree, is a suc­cess story.

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