BilinÂgual EdiÂtor Job for the LatiÂno ComÂmuÂniÂties ReportÂing Lab at The Record JourÂnal NewsÂpaÂper in MeriÂden Connecticut.
The Record-JourÂnal seeks a verÂsaÂtile, bilinÂgual ediÂtor to overÂsee our growÂing LatiÂno ComÂmuÂniÂties ReportÂing Lab. We launched the lab in March 2021 after conÂductÂing a 5‑month lisÂtenÂing tour in our community.
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We’re lookÂing to fill this bilinÂgual ediÂtor job with someÂone who has a pasÂsion for the lab’s misÂsion — To ampliÂfy the voicÂes of our local LatiÂno comÂmuÂniÂties, includÂing to proÂvide empowÂerÂing, fact-based news, inforÂmaÂtion and resources for our LatiÂno comÂmuÂniÂties; to shine a light on injusÂtices and inequities to proÂmote greater underÂstandÂing and a more incluÂsive comÂmuÂniÂty for everyÂone; to showÂcase the sucÂcessÂes and conÂtriÂbuÂtions of LatiÂnos as a way of inspirÂing young peoÂple to expand what they conÂsidÂer possible.
The Record-JourÂnal is owned by the RJ Media Group, an innoÂvÂaÂtive, audiÂence-focused news orgaÂniÂzaÂtion based in MeriÂden, ConÂnectiÂcut, with a rich hisÂtoÂry as a 154-year-old, famÂiÂly-owned comÂpaÂny estabÂlished in 1867. Our pubÂlishÂer and execÂuÂtive vice presÂiÂdent Liz White is the 5th genÂerÂaÂtion famÂiÂly ownÂer, and our presÂiÂdent Eliot White is the 4th genÂerÂaÂtion famÂiÂly ownÂer. We pubÂlish the Record-JourÂnal (a daiÂly newsÂpaÂper), eight weekÂly newsÂpaÂpers and two webÂsites, which comÂbined reach 265,000 peoÂple, 100% of the homes in 9 towns weekÂly. We also own HomeÂbase DigÂiÂtal, a cutÂting-edge digÂiÂtal marÂketÂing agency. Our comÂpaÂny is comÂmitÂted to proÂvidÂing qualÂiÂty local jourÂnalÂism and fact-based reportÂing that informs and empowÂers our comÂmuÂniÂty. Our comÂpaÂny misÂsion is to be the priÂmaÂry catÂaÂlyst that motiÂvates peoÂple to conÂtribute to the intelÂlecÂtuÂal, civic, and
ecoÂnomÂic vitalÂiÂty of our communities.
ComÂmuÂniÂty lisÂtenÂing proÂvidÂed the founÂdaÂtion of the lab. In the comÂing year, the bilinÂgual ediÂtor will take the lead in an innoÂvÂaÂtive lisÂtenÂing project colÂlabÂoÂratÂing with jourÂnalÂists, data experts, a netÂwork of comÂmuÂniÂty leadÂers, and techÂnolÂoÂgy partÂners to underÂstand the needs of our local LatiÂno comÂmuÂniÂties and build trust through deepÂer comÂmuÂniÂty lisÂtenÂing, engageÂment and data gathÂerÂing. The ediÂtor will overÂsee conÂtent creÂation with an emphaÂsis on alignÂing news strateÂgies to best serve the comÂmuÂniÂty using what we learned durÂing the project.
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PurÂpose of the BilinÂgual EdiÂtor Job:
Plan, superÂvise and creÂate news conÂtent for pubÂliÂcaÂtion in print, online and social media for the growÂing LatiÂno audiÂence in cenÂtral ConÂnectiÂcut. This posiÂtion will assist the LatiÂno ComÂmuÂniÂties ReportÂing Lab to fulÂfill our misÂsion of ampliÂfyÂing local LatiÂno voicÂes and be assigned duties relatÂed to fulÂfillÂing that misÂsion with a strong emphaÂsis on lisÂtenÂing to the needs of the audience.
EssenÂtial Functions
- SuperÂvise team of reporters
- Plan, creÂate and edit digÂiÂtal first and digÂiÂtal only conÂtent in EngÂlish and SpanÂish for the LatiÂno comÂmuÂniÂties in our covÂerÂage area.
- AbilÂiÂty to interÂview all kinds of peoÂple and to do research.
- Process inforÂmaÂtion and write it in a fair, accuÂrate and comÂpelling manner.
- AbilÂiÂty to capÂture phoÂtos and video and perÂform basic editÂing functions.
- KnowlÂedge of curÂrent social media appliÂcaÂtions and trends, with the abilÂiÂty to post to house social media accounts in both EngÂlish and Spanish.
- Help to overÂsee LatiÂno ComÂmuÂniÂties ReportÂing Lab ComÂmuÂniÂty AdviÂsoÂry Board.
- PreÂpare bilinÂgual conÂtent for pubÂliÂcaÂtion on the web and social media.
- ConÂtribute to email newsletÂter, text mesÂsagÂing platÂform and stakeÂholdÂer newsletter.
- Take an active role in audiÂence-lisÂtenÂing activÂiÂties to conÂtinÂuÂalÂly ensure news strateÂgies meet the needs of the audience.
- PerÂform othÂer activÂiÂties as necessary.
MinÂiÂmum QualÂiÂfiÂcaÂtions for the BilinÂgual EdiÂtor Job
- MinÂiÂmum eduÂcaÂtionÂal requireÂment, Bachelor’s degree.
- MinÂiÂmum 4–5 years reportÂing expeÂriÂence or equivÂaÂlent expeÂriÂence, expeÂriÂence as a news ediÂtor preferred.
- BilinÂgual Spanish/English in both speakÂing and writing.
KnowlÂedge, Skills and Abilities
- AbilÂiÂty to conÂceive and exeÂcute enterÂprise reportÂing on highÂly speÂcialÂized topÂics with authority.
- AbilÂiÂty to hanÂdle daiÂly, short-term and long-term assignÂments simultaneously.
- ExcelÂlent comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtion skills, shows iniÂtiaÂtive, and exerÂcisÂes good news judgment.
- MulÂtiÂmeÂdia and social media savvy required with expeÂriÂence shooting/editing photos/videos.
- This posiÂtion requires the abilÂiÂty to travÂel localÂly to gathÂer newsÂworÂthy content.
- A valid driÂver’s license and vehiÂcle are required; or, if no driÂver’s license, reliÂable and at-the-ready transportation.
RJ Media Group is an innoÂvÂaÂtive, audiÂence-focused news orgaÂniÂzaÂtion based in MeriÂden, ConÂnectiÂcut, with a rich hisÂtoÂry as a 154-year-old, famÂiÂly-owned comÂpaÂny estabÂlished in 1867. Our pubÂlishÂer and execÂuÂtive vice presÂiÂdent Liz White is the 5th genÂerÂaÂtion famÂiÂly ownÂer, and our presÂiÂdent Eliot White is the 4th genÂerÂaÂtion famÂiÂly ownÂer. We pubÂlish the Record-JourÂnal (a daiÂly newsÂpaÂper), eight weekÂly newsÂpaÂpers and two webÂsites, which comÂbined reach 265,000 peoÂple, 100% of the homes in 9 towns weekÂly. We also own HomeÂbase DigÂiÂtal, a cutÂting-edge digÂiÂtal marketing
agency. Our comÂpaÂny is comÂmitÂted to proÂvidÂing qualÂiÂty local jourÂnalÂism and fact-based reportÂing that informs and empowÂers our comÂmuÂniÂty. Our comÂpaÂny misÂsion is to be the priÂmaÂry catÂaÂlyst that motiÂvates peoÂple to conÂtribute to the intelÂlecÂtuÂal, civic, and ecoÂnomÂic vitalÂiÂty of our communities.
We are an Equal OpporÂtuÂniÂty employÂer comÂmitÂted to a diverse workÂforce. We do not disÂcrimÂiÂnate on the basis of race, reliÂgion, colÂor, nationÂal oriÂgin, genÂder, sexÂuÂal oriÂenÂtaÂtion, age, marÂiÂtal staÂtus, vetÂerÂan staÂtus, or disÂabilÂiÂty. Any canÂdiÂdate selectÂed must pass a backÂground check and drug screen as a condition.
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