Ann Carlsen is founder & CEO of Carlsen Resources Inc. (CRI), an execÂuÂtive search and workÂforce planÂning firm which operÂates withÂin the globÂal media telecomÂmuÂniÂcaÂtions indusÂtries. CRI is a leadÂing execÂuÂtive search firm which uses strateÂgic thinkÂing and innoÂvaÂtion to attract the best execÂuÂtives and high levÂel manÂageÂment for some of the most well-known media and telecomÂmuÂniÂcaÂtions comÂpaÂnies, includÂing RainÂbow Media, NBC, DisÂcovÂery NetÂworks, ABC, Time WarnÂer and Google.
After getÂting a degree in jourÂnalÂism and busiÂness from the UniÂverÂsiÂty of ColÂorado, Carlsen’s proÂfesÂsionÂal career began as a door to door sales perÂson with the comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtions conÂsultÂing serÂvices firm UnitÂed Cable ComÂpaÂny. Using her expeÂriÂence with that comÂpaÂny she got a sales and marÂketÂing job with Cardiff Publishing’s Cable TeleÂviÂsion BusiÂness magÂaÂzine. In 1984 Ann was employed with the venÂture capÂiÂtal firm BusiÂness VenÂture InvestÂments, and it was while she was employed at this comÂpaÂny that she develÂoped her busiÂness and entreÂpreÂneurÂial skills. Her subÂseÂquent role as Vice PresÂiÂdent at WinÂston ManÂageÂment Group made her realise how much she loved execÂuÂtive search, and she used this pasÂsion to estabÂlish her own execÂuÂtive search comÂpaÂny Future Sense, Inc., which changed to Carlsen Resources Inc.
Carlsen is a very highÂly regardÂed leader withÂin execÂuÂtive search, earnÂing herÂself a good repÂuÂtaÂtion for proÂmotÂing the best workÂplace diverÂsiÂty. With this, and a high levÂel of underÂstandÂing of the indusÂtry she is a part of, orgaÂniÂzaÂtions withÂin the media indusÂtry have awardÂed Carlsen for her work. Her work for diverse recruitÂment is exemÂpliÂfied with her place as a foundÂing memÂber of the TelecomÂmuÂniÂcaÂtions DiverÂsiÂty NetÂwork, and she has also worked on behalf of the NationÂal AssoÂciÂaÂtion for MulÂti-EthÂnicÂiÂty in ComÂmuÂniÂcaÂtions for almost ten years. She has served on othÂer comÂmitÂtees and orgaÂniÂzaÂtions, such as the NationÂal Women in Cable and TelecomÂmuÂniÂcaÂtions (WICT) and the NationÂal Cable TeleÂviÂsion AssoÂciÂaÂtion (NCTA).