BevÂerÂly WeinÂstein has a long and presÂtiÂgious proÂfesÂsionÂal hisÂtoÂry in the media indusÂtry, and today she is the presÂiÂdent of one of the top New York recruitÂment firms Markham Media ExecÂuÂtive Search and a columÂnist at, givÂing advice on careers and recruitÂment withÂin digÂiÂtal media, enterÂtainÂment, marÂketÂing and R&D.
With a degree in jourÂnalÂism from New York UniÂverÂsiÂty, BevÂerÂly entered the media indusÂtry and worked up to the posiÂtion of Account ExecÂuÂtive at CBS and Vice PresÂiÂdent of Sales at the media comÂpaÂny WhitÂtle ComÂmuÂniÂcaÂtion. She branched out into adverÂtisÂing with an execÂuÂtive sales posiÂtion at Woman’s Day MagÂaÂzine. FolÂlowÂing this she worked as DirecÂtor of Sales for MTV, VH1 and NickÂelodeon, and also Senior Vice PresÂiÂdent at OriÂon PicÂtures. WithÂin this time she built up the skills needÂed to sucÂceed at execÂuÂtive staffing withÂin one of the most changeÂable indusÂtries, helpÂing to match the skills and expeÂriÂence of canÂdiÂdates with the most suitÂable openings.
With two decades of preÂviÂous media indusÂtry expeÂriÂence she foundÂed Markham Media ExecÂuÂtive Search, using her broad range of experÂtise to bring the firm into promiÂnence withÂin the New York’s comÂpetÂiÂtive recruitÂment indusÂtry. The firm deals mainÂly with execÂuÂtive recruitÂment and career advice. BevÂerÂly also has a ‘Dear Bev’ career advice colÂumn at, where she helps to answer quesÂtions for job seekÂers withÂin her industry.
Often quotÂed withÂin media and enterÂtainÂment, BevÂerÂly is on the board of direcÂtors for the not for profÂit orgaÂniÂzaÂtion Young AudiÂences, which helps to proÂvide arts eduÂcaÂtion to over 200,000 chilÂdren in varÂiÂous schools around New York.