News InterÂnaÂtionÂal is seekÂing to bolÂster its profÂits with falling print sales by enterÂing the lucraÂtive online clasÂsiÂfied car ads secÂtor, as was revealed earÂliÂer this year.
The pubÂlishÂer of The Sun, The Times and The SunÂday Times aims to creÂate a car clasÂsiÂfied webÂsite (curÂrentÂly unnamed) that focussÂes on the high end of the autoÂmoÂtive specÂtrum, mixÂing togethÂer motorÂing conÂtent and ediÂtoÂrÂiÂal with clasÂsiÂfied car adverÂtisÂing to genÂerÂate revÂenue. We all know of AutoÂTradÂer, a long-runÂning print and digÂiÂtal motor clasÂsiÂfied comÂpaÂny who have enjoyed marÂket domÂiÂnance and heady profÂits, adverÂtisÂing hunÂdreds of thouÂsands of cars and earnÂing profÂits of over £100m in 2010. This move will be a direct chalÂlenge on a marÂket curÂrentÂly domÂiÂnatÂed by AutoÂTradÂer, and is no doubt a sigÂniÂfiÂer of increasÂing comÂpeÂtiÂtion withÂin the used motor market.
The Rise of Online Classifieds
The comÂpeÂtiÂtion is cerÂtainÂly heatÂing up for the online clasÂsiÂfieds marÂket, and this is mainÂly due to the fall of local newsÂpaÂpers and othÂer print that franÂchised and indeÂpenÂdent car dealÂerÂship groups forÂmerÂly used to adverÂtise their used cars. With this traÂdiÂtionÂal way of getÂting used motors across to the pubÂlic disÂapÂpearÂing, the interÂnet has been the clear place to turn, and many new sites such as cropÂping up. But why isn’t every dealÂer simÂply going with AutoÂTradÂer? Their online platÂform is cerÂtainÂly the most popÂuÂlar, with over a bilÂlion monthÂly page impresÂsions and just under 400,000 motors adverÂtised at any one time, but the fact that AutoÂTradÂer has high adverÂtisÂing costs is enough to force many dealÂers to look elsewhere.
A Recipe for Success?
Whether or not there is room withÂin the used car marÂket for new venÂtures, the fact that the online digÂiÂtal revÂoÂluÂtion has seen a rapid drop in expoÂsure for all comÂpaÂnies that use print to adverÂtise, and an equalÂly large drop in revÂenue for print pubÂlishÂers such as News InterÂnaÂtionÂal, is eviÂdentÂly leavÂing such organÂiÂsaÂtions with no choice. This is why othÂer major pubÂlishÂers such as DaiÂly Mail GenÂerÂal Trust DMGT and Guardian Media Group have increased their stakes in online tradÂing (GMG has a 50.1% stake in the group that runs AutoÂTradÂer), but will this UK media giant be able to profÂit with such a direct push into the market?
It is always risky to enter a marÂket already domÂiÂnatÂed by anothÂer entiÂty, but the real quesÂtion mark comes from News International’s less than amazÂing venÂture hisÂtoÂry. Take for examÂple their half-stake purÂchase of PropÂerÂtyFindÂer in 2005; they spent £14.3m, expeÂriÂenced heavy lossÂes, and then evenÂtuÂalÂly sold it to Zoopla for only £700 thousand.
It is hoped that their experÂtise in media conÂtent delivÂery, the ‘luxÂuÂry car’ angle and cheapÂer adverÂtisÂing costs for the tradÂing site will carve out enough of a marÂket to remain profÂitable, though it is clear that much will need to be done to sway those already loyÂal to AutoTrader.