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6 Steps to Turbocharge your Job Search by September

Job Search is nev­er easy.  With Sep­tem­ber just around the cor­ner, you might be feel­ing the pres­sure to secure a posi­tion. How­ev­er, with the right strate­gies and a focused approach, you can sig­nif­i­cant­ly enhance your chances.

Here are six essen­tial job search steps you can take now to get a job by September.

  1. Update Your Resume and write a great Cov­er Letter

Your resume and cov­er let­ter are your first impres­sions to poten­tial employ­ers. They need to be impec­ca­ble, show­cas­ing your skills, expe­ri­ences, and the val­ue you bring to the table.

  • Update Your Resume: Make sure your resume is cur­rent, includ­ing your most recent expe­ri­ences and skills. Tai­lor it to high­light the qual­i­fi­ca­tions most rel­e­vant to the job you’re seek­ing. Use strong action verbs and quan­ti­fy your achieve­ments where pos­si­ble (e.g., “Increased sales by 20%”).
  • Craft a Com­pelling Cov­er Let­ter: Your cov­er let­ter should com­ple­ment your resume, pro­vid­ing a nar­ra­tive that con­nects your expe­ri­ence with the job require­ments. Per­son­al­ize each cov­er let­ter for the spe­cif­ic job, demon­strat­ing your enthu­si­asm and under­stand­ing of the company.
  • Proof­read: Errors can be a major turn-off for recruiters. Proof­read your doc­u­ments metic­u­lous­ly or ask a friend or pro­fes­sion­al to review them.
  1. Lever­age Your Network

Net­work­ing remains one of the most effec­tive ways to find a job. Many oppor­tu­ni­ties are nev­er adver­tised, and know­ing some­one with­in the indus­try can give you a sig­nif­i­cant edge.

  • Reach Out to Con­tacts: Inform your net­work that you’re job hunt­ing. This includes friends, fam­i­ly, for­mer col­leagues, and indus­try con­nec­tions. They might know of open­ings or can refer you to some­one who does.
  • Attend Indus­try Events: Engage in webi­na­rs, con­fer­ences, and pro­fes­sion­al mee­tups. These events are excel­lent oppor­tu­ni­ties to meet new peo­ple and learn about job openings.
  • Uti­lize LinkedIn: Ensure your LinkedIn pro­file is up-to-date and reflects your resume. Con­nect with indus­try pro­fes­sion­als and par­tic­i­pate in rel­e­vant groups and dis­cus­sions. Post­ing insight­ful con­tent can also increase your visibility.
  1. Apply Strate­gi­cal­ly: Apply to the Jobs that Fit you the Best: 

Apply­ing to every job you come across might seem like a good strat­e­gy, but it’s often coun­ter­pro­duc­tive. Instead, focus your efforts on posi­tions that align with your skills and career goals.

  • Qual­i­ty Over Quan­ti­ty: Tar­get com­pa­nies and roles that gen­uine­ly inter­est you and match your qual­i­fi­ca­tions. Tai­lor your appli­ca­tion mate­ri­als for each posi­tion to stand out.
  • Fol­low Up: After sub­mit­ting your appli­ca­tion, fol­low up with a polite email to the hir­ing man­ag­er. This shows your enthu­si­asm and can set you apart from oth­er candidates.
  • Track Your Appli­ca­tions: Keep a record of where and when you’ve applied. This will help you man­age fol­low-ups and pre­pare for poten­tial interviews.
  1. Enhance Your Skills

In a com­pet­i­tive job mar­ket, hav­ing a unique or advanced skill set can be a game-chang­er. Use this time to upskill and make your­self more attrac­tive to employers.

  • Take Online Cours­es: Plat­forms like Cours­era, Ude­my, and LinkedIn Learn­ing offer a pletho­ra of cours­es that can boost your resume. Focus on skills that are in high demand in your industry.
  • Earn Cer­ti­fi­ca­tions: Cer­ti­fi­ca­tions can pro­vide a com­pet­i­tive edge. Research which cer­ti­fi­ca­tions are val­ued in your field and invest time in earn­ing them.
  • Devel­op Soft Skills: Tech­ni­cal skills are cru­cial, but soft skills like com­mu­ni­ca­tion, team­work, and prob­lem-solv­ing are equal­ly impor­tant. Join work­shops or engage in activ­i­ties that can help improve these skills.
  1. Be Pre­pared for Interviews

Secur­ing an inter­view is a sig­nif­i­cant step, but per­form­ing well in the inter­view is what lands you the job. Prepa­ra­tion is key to mak­ing a strong impression.

  • Research the Com­pa­ny: Under­stand the com­pa­ny’s mis­sion, val­ues, prod­ucts, and cul­ture. This knowl­edge will help you answer ques­tions more effec­tive­ly and show that you’re gen­uine­ly inter­est­ed in the organization.
  • Prac­tice Com­mon Ques­tions: Pre­pare answers for com­mon inter­view ques­tions such as “Tell me about your­self,” “Why do you want to work here?” and “What are your strengths and weak­ness­es?” Prac­tice with a friend or use online tools to sim­u­late inter­view scenarios.
  • Pre­pare Your Ques­tions: Inter­views are a two-way street. Pre­pare thought­ful ques­tions about the role, team, and com­pa­ny. This shows your inter­est and helps you deter­mine if the job is the right fit.
  1. Patience is Key: Stay Pos­i­tive and Persistent

Job hunt­ing can be a stress­ful and some­times dis­cour­ag­ing process. Main­tain­ing a pos­i­tive atti­tude and being per­sis­tent are cru­cial to your success.

  • Set Real­is­tic Goals: Break down your job search into man­age­able tasks and set dai­ly or week­ly goals. This can include updat­ing your resume, apply­ing to a cer­tain num­ber of jobs, or net­work­ing with a spe­cif­ic num­ber of people.
  • Take Care of Your­self: Job search­ing can be emo­tion­al­ly tax­ing. Ensure you’re tak­ing care of your phys­i­cal and men­tal health. Exer­cise reg­u­lar­ly, eat health­ily, and take breaks when needed.
  • Learn from Rejec­tions: Rejec­tions are a nat­ur­al part of the job search process. Instead of get­ting dis­cour­aged, seek feed­back and learn from each expe­ri­ence. Use it as an oppor­tu­ni­ty to improve and refine your approach.

By tak­ing these six steps—polishing your resume and cov­er let­ter, lever­ag­ing your net­work, apply­ing strate­gi­cal­ly, enhanc­ing your skills, prepar­ing for inter­views, and stay­ing pos­i­tive and persistent—you can sig­nif­i­cant­ly increase your chances of secur­ing a job by Sep­tem­ber. Remem­ber, the job search is a process, and per­sis­tence, along with a proac­tive approach, will even­tu­al­ly pay off. Good luck!

image cour­tesy of Cre­ator: Mag­is­ter­Dawn Cred­it: Mag­is­ter­Dawn on DeviantArt