The world of JourÂnalÂism is changÂing. There are less and less JourÂnalÂist jobs to tell the world’s stories.
GroundTruth’s misÂsion is to serve under-covÂered comÂmuÂniÂties by supÂportÂing the next genÂerÂaÂtion of jourÂnalÂists to do on-the-ground reportÂing and to advance susÂtainÂabilÂiÂty, innoÂvaÂtion and equiÂty in jourÂnalÂism worldwide.
GroundTruth is buildÂing an engaged comÂmuÂniÂty around impactÂful jourÂnalÂism and powÂerÂful stoÂryÂtelling by a new genÂerÂaÂtion, while supÂportÂing their careers as felÂlows, corps memÂbers and alumni.
Report for AmerÂiÂca, an iniÂtiaÂtive of GroundTruth, is lookÂing for a seaÂsoned news proÂfesÂsionÂal with 10 or more years in the jourÂnalÂism indusÂtry to be the RegionÂal ManÂagÂer for the westÂern U.S., which encomÂpassÂes Report for AmerÂiÂca’s newsÂroom partÂners and corps memÂbers in CalÂiÂforÂnia, OreÂgon, WashÂingÂton, AlasÂka and Hawaii.
Report for AmerÂiÂca matched 300 jourÂnalÂist with 200+ news orgaÂniÂzaÂtions across 49 states, PuerÂto Rico, Guam and WashÂingÂton, D.C. in 2021. Each is focused on a critÂiÂcal covÂerÂage gap withÂin their local community.
The posiÂtion is remote, but the RegionÂal ManÂagÂer will be expectÂed to live in the region, ideÂalÂly in CalÂiÂforÂnia. Some travÂel is required.
The JourÂnalÂist position’s salary ranges from $75,000 — $89,000 and is a full time role in the organization.
The full job descripÂtion is below in this artiÂcle as well as here where appliÂcaÂtions should be submitted:
GroundTruth is a non-profÂit orgaÂniÂzaÂtion with an imporÂtant set of Core Values:
RebuildÂing trust in jourÂnalÂism is essenÂtial to our misÂsion. We are comÂmitÂted to truth-telling, equiÂty, and jusÂtice in the comÂmuÂniÂties we serve. And that starts withÂin our orgaÂniÂzaÂtion, where every day we strive to do the right thing every step of the way.
As chamÂpiÂons of jourÂnalÂism, it is our duty to hold peoÂple in posiÂtions of authorÂiÂty accountÂable to the pubÂlic. FulÂfillÂing that duty starts with us holdÂing ourÂselves to the highÂest stanÂdard by honÂorÂing our comÂmitÂments to our partÂners, to one anothÂer, and to the comÂmuÂniÂties we serve. We take responÂsiÂbilÂiÂty for all of our work. When we make a misÂtake, we own it.
To sucÂceed in servÂing comÂmuÂniÂties globÂalÂly, we must respect, lisÂten, learn, and underÂstand our difÂferÂent perÂspecÂtives. We culÂtiÂvate a peoÂple-cenÂtric culÂture that appreÂciÂates the comÂmitÂments we have made to each othÂer, our famÂiÂlies, and our comÂmuÂniÂties. We treat all peoÂple with digÂniÂty and valÂue our colÂlecÂtive talent.
In our quest to reimagÂine a new media ecosysÂtem, as JourÂnalÂists, we pracÂtice high stanÂdards of excelÂlence for partÂnerÂships, for trainÂing, and for revÂeÂlaÂtoÂry jourÂnalÂism that makes a difÂferÂence through holdÂing truth to power.
We fosÂter an incluÂsive culÂture and work togethÂer to solve probÂlems, using the ingeÂnuÂity and experÂtise from throughÂout our orgaÂniÂzaÂtion to achieve our misÂsion. We’re stronger together.
We will forge partÂnerÂships that help put more corps memÂbers on the ground in local comÂmuÂniÂties around the globe, telling stoÂries that for decades have gone untold. Our pubÂlic serÂvice work is intendÂed to affect change.
We will move creÂativeÂly with agiliÂty to ensure that GroundTruth becomes the North Star of philÂanÂthropic orgaÂniÂzaÂtions supÂportÂing local jourÂnalÂism worldÂwide. IterÂaÂtion is part of our DNA, as we rebuild local news.
DiverÂsiÂty, EquiÂty and Inclusion
The GroundTruth Project recÂogÂnizes that our misÂsion to serve under-covÂered comÂmuÂniÂties by supÂportÂing the next genÂerÂaÂtion of jourÂnalÂist can only be achieved by activeÂly culÂtiÂvatÂing diverÂsiÂty, equiÂty, incluÂsion and belongÂing in our orgaÂniÂzaÂtion, in the field of jourÂnalÂism and in our wider world.
The Job: RegionÂal ManÂagÂer for Report for AmerÂiÂca: A seaÂsoned JourÂnalÂist with 10 or more years experience
IndusÂtry | NonÂprofÂit |
TelecomÂmute? | Yes |
Job StaÂtus | Full-time |
Salary | 75,000 — 89,000 |
WebÂsite | |
The Corps ExcelÂlence RegionÂal ManÂagÂer for Report for AmerÂiÂca is a critÂiÂcal posiÂtion withÂin the orgaÂniÂzaÂtion. This manÂagÂer is charged with overÂseeÂing the runÂning of the proÂgram on a regionÂal levÂel from the perÂspecÂtive of the emergÂing jourÂnalÂists and the newsÂrooms that employ them. This posiÂtion covÂers the westÂern U.S., which encomÂpassÂes Report for AmerÂiÂca’s newsÂroom partÂners and corps memÂbers in CalÂiÂforÂnia, OreÂgon, WashÂingÂton, AlasÂka and Hawaii.
The posiÂtion is remote, but the RegionÂal ManÂagÂer will be expectÂed to live in the region, ideÂalÂly in CalÂiÂforÂnia. Some travÂel is required.
ResponÂsiÂbilÂiÂties and EssenÂtial Functions:
- Ensure that corps memÂbers are creÂatÂing high qualÂiÂty jourÂnalÂism withÂin the paraÂmeÂters of their beat and that they have a meanÂingÂful, posÂiÂtive expeÂriÂence in the program.
- Ensure that newsÂrooms are satÂisÂfied with the work of their journalist(s) and the RFA program.
- CounÂsel and advise corps memÂbers on how to interÂact with their ediÂtors, their beats and their communities.
- Work with all host news orgaÂniÂzaÂtions to ensure they folÂlow Report for AmerÂiÂca proÂgram valÂues, misÂsion and procedures.
- ConÂduct regÂuÂlar check-ins with newsÂrooms and corps members.
- Assist the VP of RecruitÂment and AlumÂni EngageÂment in idenÂtiÂfyÂing potenÂtial newsÂroom partners.
- SupÂport partÂnerÂships with uniÂverÂsiÂties, jourÂnalÂism groups and othÂer outÂlets to develÂop corps memÂber opportunities.
- DelivÂer weekÂly updates about corps memÂbers and newsÂrooms in your region.
- Work with the Impact and EvalÂuÂaÂtion ManÂagÂer to evalÂuÂate the corps memÂbers’ and news orgaÂniÂzaÂtions’ progress and satisfaction.
- Work with the VP of ProÂgram DevelÂopÂment to ensure proÂfesÂsionÂal develÂopÂment for the corps members.
- EvalÂuÂate and interÂview newsÂroom and corps memÂber canÂdiÂdates for parÂticÂiÂpaÂtion in the program.
- Work with SerÂvice Projects ManÂagÂer on helpÂing corps memÂbers idenÂtiÂfy serÂvice project partÂners and exeÂcute projects in a timeÂly manner.
- OverÂsee AdviÂsoÂry Corps CounÂcil and supÂport them with their goals.
Desired skill set:
- SeaÂsoned news proÂfesÂsionÂal with 10 or more years in the jourÂnalÂism indusÂtry, includÂing a minÂiÂmum of years as a manager.
- QualÂiÂty probÂlem solver capaÂble of coachÂing a diverse workforce.
- EffecÂtive comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtor with expeÂriÂence interÂactÂing and negoÂtiÂatÂing with newsÂroom and indusÂtry leaders.
- Proven abilÂiÂty to evalÂuÂate, hire and menÂtor journalists.
- StewÂard of DiverÂsiÂty, EquiÂty and IncluÂsion iniÂtiaÂtives, includÂing visÂiÂble signs of comÂmitÂment to all of these issues.
- FluÂenÂcy in SpanÂish is strongÂly desired.
AppliÂcaÂtions should be subÂmitÂted here:
This job descripÂtion reflects essenÂtial funcÂtions of the posiÂtion for The GroundTruth Project/Report for America/Report for the World. It does not restrict the tasks that may be assigned for this parÂticÂuÂlar posiÂtion. A shift in the roles and responÂsiÂbilÂiÂties of this speÂcifÂic posiÂtion or in the strateÂgic needs of the orgaÂniÂzaÂtion may result in this job descripÂtion changÂing. All changes will be made in conÂsulÂtaÂtion with the employÂee to the furÂthest extent posÂsiÂble. FLSA ClasÂsiÂfiÂcaÂtion: Exempt. The GroundTruth Project is an equal employÂment opporÂtuÂniÂty employÂer and conÂsidÂers qualÂiÂfied appliÂcants for employÂment withÂout regard to race, genÂder, age, colÂor, reliÂgion, nationÂal oriÂgin, marÂiÂtal staÂtus, disÂabilÂiÂty, sexÂuÂal oriÂenÂtaÂtion, or any othÂer proÂtectÂed staÂtus.
Report for AmerÂiÂca is an equal opporÂtuÂniÂty employÂer and conÂsidÂers qualÂiÂfied appliÂcants for employÂment withÂout regard to race, genÂder, age, colÂor, reliÂgion, nationÂal oriÂgin, marÂiÂtal staÂtus, disÂabilÂiÂty, sexÂuÂal oriÂenÂtaÂtion, or any othÂer proÂtectÂed factor.
Report for AmerÂiÂca believes in fair and equiÂtable pay. Please note that actuÂal salaries may vary withÂin the range, or be above or below the range, based on facÂtors includÂing, but not limÂitÂed to, eduÂcaÂtion, trainÂing, expeÂriÂence, proÂfesÂsionÂal achieveÂment, busiÂness need, and location.