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10 Winning Media Job Search Strategies

Search­ing for a media job in today’s eco­nom­ic cli­mate is a lit­tle more chal­leng­ing that it would have been a few years ago. But when armed with the cor­rect search tools, your media job search need not be some­thing to dread.

Below are 10 Win­ning Media Job Search Strate­gies to ease your path towards land­ing your ide­al media job. By imple­ment­ing all the cor­rect back­ground details for suc­cess­ful can­di­da­cy, you are well on your way to media job employment.

1. Prepa­ra­tion is of para­mount impor­tance when try­ing to find a media job. You need to know what it is you are look­ing for, what avenue of media jobs you wish you ven­ture down and then make fur­ther deci­sions from there. 

2. A full range of media jobs from jour­nal­ist to pub­li­cist or copy­writer, to copy edi­tor to account exec­u­tive are avail­able. Which media job is right for you? Do some research into each job to see what they entail. 

3. If you are unsure of where to turn with regards to find­ing a media job, per­haps you could seek the exper­tise of a recruit­ment agency.

4. Online media job search­es are prob­a­bly your best bet, with most media jobs mov­ing to the online mar­ket these days. 

5. Sep­a­rate your search to the media jobs that you feel fit your pro­file best, and the ones that would be sec­ondary. Focus on the ones suit­ed to you first and then if no joy comes from them, move onto the sec­ondary choic­es of media jobs.

6. Iden­ti­fy the employ­ers for the media jobs you have cho­sen and do some back­ground research into their busi­ness, so as to under­stand where they are com­ing from and what they would be look­ing for in a media job employ­ee.

7. Look at the media jobs you have nar­rowed down and ask your­self the fol­low­ing ques­tions: What skills are required for the media job I am apply­ing for? Do I pos­sess these skills, and if not can I learn them? Update your skills if nec­es­sary and make sure that you include this infor­ma­tion in your resume to detail that you are equipped for the media job at hand.

8. Update your gener­ic skills that are extreme­ly use­ful in any job envi­ron­ment, as well as that of a media job. Some skills that will ben­e­fit you: Com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills; Good time man­age­ment skills; Team play­er; Orga­ni­za­tion­al skills; using initiative

9. Update your resume with all this infor­ma­tion, and start mak­ing your appli­ca­tions. When apply­ing ensure that you come across as pro­fes­sion­al, polite, keen and inter­est­ed as well as well edu­cat­ed about the media job in question.

10. If you get any call-backs for media jobs, take notes and write down names and num­bers. Noth­ing is more indica­tive of dis­in­ter­est than a per­son who can­not remem­ber your name. Record­ing all the details will dis­play that you are enthu­si­as­tic and will­ing to take on this media job, and will also instil a pos­i­tive feel­ing about you in your future employers.