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Sundeep Kapur Says the Fortune 500 Still Don’t Get Digital

Sun­deep Kapur is one of the country’s fore­most expo­nents of mul­ti-chan­nel mar­ket­ing and is ded­i­cat­ed to help­ing big brands make sense of cross-plat­form pro­mo­tion. He’s been doing it since 1990, but accord­ing to Sun­deep, the big boys still have a lot to learn.

Kapur is def­i­nite­ly one to watch for any­one look­ing for media jobs.

Kapur, or ‘Email Yogi’ as he is known, is direc­tor of strate­gic mar­ket­ing at the NCR cor­po­ra­tion is an expert on com­bin­ing your email, online, social media and mobile mar­ket­ing into one stream­lined and ful­ly inte­grat­ed pack­age, and writes and speaks reg­u­lar­ly on the subject.

What’s Sundeep’s Story?

He has a BA in Eco­nom­ics, a BS in Com­put­er Sci­ence and an MBA so he’s well-qual­i­fied to assist with con­verged chan­nel strate­gies, and hav­ing over 20 years’ expe­ri­ence helps as well. Sun­deep is a pas­sion­ate teacher who’s com­mit­ted to ensur­ing busi­ness­es make the most of the com­mu­ni­ca­tion chan­nels avail­able to them, par­tic­u­lar­ly social media – oh, and he’s pret­ty good at direct mar­ket­ing too.

“Most brands are try­ing real­ly hard to suc­ceed with their social media ini­tia­tives,” he said. “They are try­ing new ways to engage — from receipts at check­out to adver­tise­ments in news­pa­pers; brands are try­ing their best to con­nect with con­sumers on social networks.”

He’s worked with orga­ni­za­tions across many sec­tors and helps them uti­lize tech­nol­o­gy for brand­ing and to speak to their cus­tomers more effectively.

Through is role at NCR Sun­deep is a thought-leader in con­sumer inter­ac­tions – par­tic­u­lar­ly when those con­sumers expect fast, sim­ple and con­ve­nient com­mu­ni­ca­tions which are some­times jux­ta­posed with busi­ness­es who are striv­ing towards increas­ing prof­its, devel­op­ing and grow­ing cus­tomer loy­al­ty and cost saving.

As well as his role with NCR, Kapur is also in demand as a pub­lic speak­er and he’s also run pan­els and deliv­ered edu­ca­tion for busi­ness­es around the world who want to improve how they imple­ment mul­ti-chan­nel marketing.

What’s His Cur­rent Offer?

Kapur’s incar­na­tion as The Email Yogi sees him blog­ging dai­ly about mul­ti-chan­nel best prac­tise. In fact, there are over 1,200 arti­cles on his site and he also writes a bi-month­ly col­umn on Social inte­gra­tion for ClickZ.

His most recent arti­cle dealt with the big trends he pre­dicts will take the mar­ket­ing world by storm in 2013 and he’s urg­ing mar­keters to uti­lize these in their dig­i­tal campaigns.

Some his pre­dic­tions are:

  • Big data —  Opti­mize what you col­lect by com­mu­ni­cat­ing quick­ly and mak­ing it rel­e­vant to the consumer.
  • Con­tent  — Is what you dis­play attrac­tive? Is it use­ful? Can your con­tent be shared eas­i­ly? If it is not inter­est­ing, it will not be read or shared.
  • Con­nect your com­mu­ni­ca­tion — Your cus­tomer might just see your mes­sage via an email on their smart­phone, or they may even delete the mes­sage, but you still need to talk about it on Facebook.
  • Have a social con­ver­sa­tion – Always make sure you respond to ques­tions and con­cerns on social media chan­nels. Solve prob­lems, ask ques­tions, inspire your con­sumers, look for con­ver­sa­tion starters, and then nur­ture this dialogue.
  • Make things mobile-cen­tric. Can you reduce the amount of con­tent so it can be dis­played appro­pri­ate­ly on a mobile device? If not, you should.
  • Effec­tive email cam­paigns — Lever­age social media into your mes­sages to make them sticky and also ensure that your mes­sages get into the inbox.
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